29 Eylül 2009 Salı

Eskişehir - Atatürk and Culture Museum

Eskişehir - Atatürk and Culture Museum

Situated in the Arifiye district of the city, the building was built in 1921 and used as the Supreme Court of Appeal. The two-storey building's first floor was built by stone and the second floor by brick masonary.

Atatürk visited Eskisehir sixteen times between the years 1920 and 1938. In order to keep the memories of the Great Leader Atatürk, the first part of the museum, which opened on 1970, was reserved for Atatürk. In here the personal belongings of Atatürk, the gifts presented to him during his visits to Eskisehir and his photographs are exhibited in chronological order.

In the second and the third rooms, the articles with ethnographical values, collected locally and obtained from Topkapi Museum and various photographs taken during Atatürk’s visits to Eskisehir are exhibited.
A collection of meerschaum, which is locally called as “White Gold” showing the stages from the extraction to processing and to its usage are also exhibited in this section.

In the centre room books about Atatürk are exhibited.

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