7 Haziran 2009 Pazar

Antalya - Atatürk Museum

Antalya - Atatürk Museum

At the beginning of March 1930 Atatürk was in Izmir. The weather was going very cold. Atatürk thought of taking a rest for a week in Antalya’s warm weather. On 5 March 1930 he departed from Izmir to Antalya. Passing through Isparta and Burdur, arrived in Antalya in the afternoon on 6 March 1930. From the village of Kepez to the city, the people had filled out both sides of the road to see and cheer for the great leader. At 16:00 hours, Atatürk arrived at Tophane square. The villa where he was going to stay presented to him as a gift by the people of Antalya. The ground in front of the villa was crowded with people. After resting for a short time in the villa, Atatürk came out to the balcony, made a short speech and thanked to the people of Antalya. The same night he went to the Turkish Nationalist Club and discussed with the youth on the country’s problems. Towards midnight he went back to the villa for rest.

Atatürk had stayed a whole week in Antalya until 12 March 1930 morning. During this time he went about to various places. He visited museums, historical ruins, citrus gardens and talked with producers. After a week's rest, on 12 March at 10:00 hours in the morning returned to Ankara with his accompaniments.

The next year Atatürk again arrived in Antalya on 10 February 1931 at noon time with the Ege steamboat while passing through the shores of Aegean and Mediterranean seas, and went to Silifke without staying there. The third and the last time of Atatürk’s arrival in Antalya occurred in February 1935. Atatürk had departed from Izmir on 16 February 1935 with Ege steamboat and arrived at Antalya pier on Monday at 13:30 hours, 18 February 1935. His sister Makbule Atadan, Ms. Nebile, Professor Afet Inan, Fahrettin Altay, Nuri Conker, Cevat Abbas Gürer, his aides and others were accompanying him. Arriving at his villa directly from pier with barouche rested until the evening. After spending the night in the villa, the next evening at 22:30 hours he departed for Tasucu town with the Ege steamboat.

The Atatürk villa that the people of Antalya had presented to him, is a two-storey stone building with clay tile roof. There is a long hall at the entrance. At the right side of the hall there is a living room, a room, a bathroom and a kitchen situated. At the left side there are two rooms and the stairs going up to the first floor. On the first floor, apart from the hall, there are seven rooms one of them with a balcony. Atatürk had slept in the room across the stairs.
After the death of Atatürk, the Antalya Atatürk Villa was transferred to the Private Administration and used as Night School of Crafts for Girls and The Institute for Girls in 1939. In 1952 the villa was handed over to the Ministry of Agriculture and used as the office of the Directorate of Technical Agriculture until 1980. After 1980 it was transferred to the Ministry of Culture, restored and opened to the public as the Atatürk Museum.

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