5 Haziran 2009 Cuma



19 May 19881 Mustafa Kemal was born in Salonika.


1894 Mustafa Kemal Started the Salonika Military Junior High School.



Mustafa Kemal Started the Monastir (Bitolja) Military Senior High School.


13 March 1899 Mustafa Kemal graduated from the Monastir Military Senior High School and entered to the Infantry Class of the Military College in Istanbul


10 February 1902

Mustafa Kemal graduates from the Military College with the rank of lieutenant and enters into the Military Academy.


11 January 1905 Mustafa Kemal graduates from the Military Academy Staff College with the rank of Staff Captain.
5 February 1905 Mustafa Kemal was posted to the 5 Army at Damascus.


1906 A Turk in the name of Yorgo Alibrantis broke a World Record at the Athens Olympic Games. (The first Turk who had participated in the first Olympic Games held in 1896, was wrestler Koc Mehmet of Deliorman.)
1906 Mustafa Kemal founded the Fatherland and Freedom Society in Damascus.


1907 Mustafa Kemal secretly went to Salonika and founded the branch of the Fatherland and Freedom Society.
20 June 1907 Mustafa Kemal was promoted to Adjutant Major
20 September 1907 Mustafa Kemal was posted to the 3 Army at Salonika.


22 June 1908 Mustafa Kamal was appointed to the Salonika-Skopje (The Orient) Railways as Inspector.
23 July 1908 The Second Constitution was proclaimed.
17 December 1908 Parliament opened after the Second Constitution was proclaimed.
1908 Mustafa Kemal published the A Unit Combat Training book of General Litzmann, the former Director of the Berlin Military Academy, after translating it from German to Ottoman Turkish.


13 April 1909 The events of 31 March occurred (the difference in dates is due to the difference between the Gregorian and the Hegira calendar used in Turkey until 1925).
15-16 April 1909 After the events of 31 March, Mustafa Kemal departed from Salonika to Istanbul as the chief of staff of the Strike Army assigned to suppress the outbreak.
6 September 1909 Mustafa Kemal was appointed Commander of Infantry Officer Training of the 3 Army in Salonika. Later on he became the Commander of 38 Infantry Regiment with the rank of Adjutant Major.
10 May 1909 Mustafa Kemal participated in the Albanian maneouvers as Minister of War and Mahmut Şevket Pasha’s chief of staff.


13 January 1910 Mustafa Kemal was assigned as chief of staff of the 3rd Salonica Division.
17-21 September 1910 Mustafa Kemal attended to the French Army manoeuvres in Picardy as one of the Turkish Army representatives


15 January 1911 Mustafa Kemal was assigned as the deputy commander of the 38th Infantry Regiment located in Selonica.
13 September 1911 Mustafa Kemal transferred to General Staff in Istanbul.
29 September 1911 Italy declared war to Ottoman Government in order to capture Tripoli.
5 October 1911 Mustafa Kemal took part in the defensive and distraction wars against the Italians at Tobruk and Derna.
27 November 1911 Mustafa Kemal was promoted to Major.


8 October 1912 Balkan war broke out. Mustafa Kemal was appointed as the Director of Operations of the Army Corps established at Bolayir.
15 October 1912 At the end of the Tripolitania War, Ottoman Government and Italy signed the Ushi Peace Pact. Tripoli and Benghazi were given to Italians.
24 October 1912 Mustafa Kemal departed from Derna to Istanbul.
8 November 1912 Greece invaded Salonika.
25 November 1912 Mustafa Kemal was appointed as Director of Operations of the Dardanelles Special Forces.
28 November 1912 Albania declared its independence.
1 December 1912 Mustafa Kemal went to Gelibolu (Gallipoli).


23 January 1913 Unionists (Committee of Union and Progress party) removed Grand Vizier Kamil Pasha (with the Babiali raid) and replaced him with Mahmut Sevket Pasha.
30 May 1913 At the end of the First Balkan War, the Treaty of London signed with the Balkan states.
11 June 1913 Grand Vizier Mahmut Sevket Pasha was assassinated.
12 June 1913 Said Halim Pasha became Grand Vizier.
21 July 1913 Mustafa Kemal, with the Bolayir Army Corps, where he was the chief of general staff, took back Edirne (Adrianople) which was lost in the First Balkan war.
29 September 1913 At the end of the Balkan wars, the Istanbul Treaty was signed with Bulgaria.
27 October 1913 Mustafa Kemal was appointed as Military Attache in Sofia. The same day Fethi Bey (Okyar - Please note that throughout the text, the names given in brackets after or before Pasha or Bey (Sir), are the surnames received after the acceptance of the Surname Law) was appointed as Turkish Ambassador to Bulgaria in Sofia.
14 November 1913 After the Second Balkan War, Athens Treaty signed between Greece and the Ottoman Government.


3 January 1914 Enver Pasha replaced Ahmet Izzet Pasha as the Minister of War.
1 March 1914 Mustafa Kemal was promoted to Lt. Colonel.
13 March 1914 The Istanbul pact was signed between Ottoman Government and Serbia.
May 1914 Mustafa Kemal wrote his book, Chat with the Officer and the Commander. It was published in December 1918 in Istanbul.
1 August 1914 The First World War begun
3 November 1914 Russia declared war on the Ottoman Government.
5 November 1914 Britain and France declared war on the Ottoman Government
11 November 1914 Ottoman Government entered the war together with the Axis governments.


20 January 1915 Mustafa Kemal was posted to the 19 Divisions’ Command.
19 February 1915 British and French forces opened artillery fire to Canakkale (Chanak).
25 February 1915 Under the command of Mustafa Kemal, 19 Division moved to Eceabat (Maydos or Maidos) when Canakkale came under artillery fire of British and French forces.
18 March 1915 18 of March Battle of Straits victory won against The Entente forces who tried to pass Dardanelles to capture Istanbul.
23 March 1915 General Limon von Sanders was appointed as the commander of the 5 Army which was formed for the Defence of Dardanelles.
25 April 1915 The Entente forces, which had been hindered to pass through the Dardanelles, landed their troops to Seddülbahir (Cape Helles) and Ariburnu - now called Anzak Koyu (Anzac Cove). Mustafa Kemal stopped the enemy units at Conkbayir.
30 April 1915 The Commander of the 19 Division Mustafa Kemal received a medal.
1 May 1915 Mustafa Kemal taken the command of Ariburnu Group. The first prepared offensive attack of the 19 Division was realized.
10 May 1915 The Commander-in-Chief Enver Pasha inspected Mustafa Kemal's area of operation and expressed his appreciations.
17 May 1915 Mustafa Kemal left the Ariburnu Group Command and returned to the Command of the 19 Division. (He had undertaken the Commandership of Ariburnu on 1 May due to the circumstances of that time.)
24 May 1915 A One-day cease-fire agreement was made at Canakkale.
1 June 1915 Mustafa Kemal was promoted to Colonel.
8-9 August 1915 Mustafa Kemal was appointed as the Commander of Anafartalar Group.
9 August 1915 The offensive, personally lead by Mustafa Kemal, forced the enemy to retreat on the Anafartalar Front. First Anafartalar victory was won.
10 August 1915 Mustafa Kemal won another victory with bayonet charge at Conkbayir.
17 August 1915 After Anafartalar, Mustafa Kemal won another victory at Kirectepe.
19 August 1915 Mustafa Kemal was appointed to the command of the 16 Army Corps. (He was also the Group Commander of Anafartalar.)
21 August 1915 Mustafa Kemal won the Second Anafartalar victory.
24 August 1915 The Commander-in-Chief Enver Pasha inspected the Anafartalar Group area.
27 August 1915 Battle of Kayacikagili was realized.
28 August 1915 Mustafa Kemal made new arrangements within the Anafartalar Group.
10 December 1915 Mustafa Kemal departed from the Canakkale front.
19-20 December 1915 Enemy forces secretly vacated Ariburnu and Suvla. (Battle of Canakkale completely ended on 8-9 January 1916.)


9 January 1916 The Entente forces retreated from Seddülbahir
14 January 1916 Mustafa Kemal was appointed to the 16 Army Corps in Edirne.
16 February 1916 Erzurum was occupied by the Russians.
15 March 1916 Mustafa Kemal began his duty at the Eastern Front as the commander of 16 Army Corps that was moved from Edirne to Diyarbakir.
1 April 1916 Mustafa Kemal was promoted to Brigadier General.
7-25 April 1916 Mustafa Kemal drove back the attack of the Russians in the East Front.
28 April 1916 The British forces, who were under the siege for five months at the battles on the Iraqi Front, surrendered.
7-8 August 1916 Mustafa Kemal retrieved Bitlis and Mus from the Russians.
17 November 1916 The 10 Army Corps arrived to Macedonian Front.
11 December 1916 Monastir was captured by the Entente forces.


17 February 1917 Mustafa Kemal was appointed to the command of the Hicaz (Hecaz) Expeditionary Forces.
7 March 1917 Mustafa Kemal was appointed as the Deputy Commander of the 2 Army in Diyarbakir.
11 March 1917 British forces had captured Baghdad.
16 March 1917 Mustafa Kemal was appointed as the Commander of the 2 Army in Diyarbakir.
June 1917 The Lightning Group of Armies was formed.
27 June 1917 Greece entered the war beside the Entente States.
5 July 1917 Mustafa Kemal was appointed to the Command of the 7 Army in Aleppo.
17 July 1917 The Russian Tsar was pulled down from the power after a revolt. The Socialists formed the Soviet Government.
9 September 1917 The Austria-Hungary Government granted Mustafa Kemal the Second Class Military Cross of Merit with War Decorations medal.
20 September 1917 Mustafa Kemal, as the Commander of the 7 Army, sent to Istanbul his historical and famous report on the state of the country and of the army.
6 October 1917 Mustafa Kemal sent a letter to Enver Pasha and informed him of his resignation from the command of 7 Army.
9 October 1917 A new revolt occurred in Russia. The Bolshevists removed the Socialists from the power and Russia withdrawn from the World War One. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was founded.
15 October 1917 After resigning from the 7 Army, Mustafa Kemal returned to Istanbul on leave in the position of the Commander of the 2 Army.
9 December 1917 The British captured Jerusalem.
15 December 1917 Mustafa Kemal went for a visit to Germany under the suite of the Heir Apparent Prince Vahdeddin.
16 December 1917 Mustafa Kemal received the "First Class Crossed Saber Medjidie" medal.


19 February 1918

The German Emperor rewarded Mustafa Kemal with the "First Class Krone der Preussen" medal.

4 July 1918

Vahdeddin became the Sultan.

7 August 1918

Mustafa Kemal was appointed for the second time to the Command of the 7 Army in Palestine.

1 September 1918

Mustafa Kemal commenced to the command of 7 Army.

19 September 1918

The Lightning Group of Armies at the Palestinian Front was not able to stop the attack of the British. The British forces advanced towards Syria.

26 September 1918

7 Army advanced in the direction of Damascus and assembled at Deraa Region towards the evening.

29 September 1918

7 Army retreated to the south of Damascus.

29 September 1918

Bulgaria withdrew from the war with the Armistice of Salonika.

30 September 1918

The defeated Lightning Group of Armies were reorganized and put in order under the supervision of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the Commander of the 7 Army.

1 October 1918

7 Army Commander Mustafa Kemal Pasha made a consultation meeting with the region governors.

1 October 1918

Beirut declared her independence.

3 October 1918

The Lightning Group of Armies began to retreat towards Aleppo.

3 October 1918

The Arabic populace revolted with provocations of the British.

4 October 1918

The headquarters of Mustafa Kemal Pasha moved to Aleppo.

5 October 1918

Mustafa Kemal Pasha began to reorganise 7 Army.

8 October 1918

Talat Pasha Cabinet resigned.

8 October 1918

Mustafa Kemal Pasha took new precautionary measures against the hostile movements and propaganda.

11 October 1918

Tevfik Pasha, who was assigned to form a government, asked for his forgiveness.

14 October 1918

Ahmet Izzet Pasha was given the assignment of forming a government.

14 October 1918

French warships opened artillery fire to Iskenderun (Alexandretta).

16 October 1918

4 Army was abolished and by transferring its troops, 7 Army was reinforced.

20 October 1918

The British, French and the US representatives formed a temporary government at Lazkiye.

26 October 1918

Under the command of Mustafa Kemal, 7 Army units stopped the British offensive north of Aleppo.

28 October 1918

After the reorganisation, the Lightning Group of Armies moved back to north of Aleppo.

30 October 1918

The farewell letter of Field Marshal Limon von Sanders, the Commander of the Lightning Group of Armies, was publicized.

30 October 1918

Mustafa Kemal Pasha became the Commander of the Lightning Group of Armies.

30 October 1918

The Armistice of Mondros (Moudhros) was signed at Lemnos Island, ending the World War One for the Ottoman Empire.

31 October 1918

The Ottoman Empire came out of the World War One defeated. The Armistice of Mondros came into force.

2 November 1918

Enver Pasha, Talat Pasha and Cemal Pasha left the country in a German ship together with their close relations.

3 November 1918

A British and a French officer arrived to Iskenderun and informed that the troops were to be landed in Iskenderun. Mustafa Kemal Pasha notified his objection.

3 November 1918

Mosul was occupied by the British forces.

4 November 1918

A French regiment occupied the "Uzunköprü - Sirkeci" railway.

5 November 1918

"Kars Islamic Council" was established.

5 November 1918

Committee of Union and Progress Party abolished itself.

5 November 1918

Mustafa Kemal Pasha reported his views of the Armistice of Mondros to the office of the Commander-in-Chief.

7 November 1918

The Lightning Group of Armies was abolished. Mustafa Kemal Pasha was assigned to the Ministry of War.

8 November 1918

Ahmed Izzet Pasha resigned from the Grand Vizierate.

9 November 1918

Both sides of the Dardanelles were occupied by the British forces. A British detachment landed at Canakkale. Later on, on 20 November, Rumelia side (The European part of the Strait) was turned over to the French.

9 November 1918

The British landed troops to Iskenderun and Antakya.

10 November 1918

Mustafa Kemal went from Adana to Istanbul by train.

10 November 1918

"West Trakya (Thrace) Society" was founded in Istanbul.

11 November 1918

After the resignation of Ahmet Izzet Pasha, Tevfik Pasha formed the new Ottoman Government.

13 November 1918

The Entente States naval fleet and Greek warships have anchored in the waters of Istanbul.

13 November 1918

Mustafa Kemal arrived to Istanbul after the abolishment of the Lightning Group of Armies Commandership.

15 November 1918

Mustafa Kemal met with the Sultan Vahdeddin.

21 November 1918

Mustafa Kemal, together with Fethi Bey (Mr. Fethi Okyar), published the Minber (Minbar) Newspaper.

29 November 1918

The National Congress assembled in Istanbul.

30 November 1918

The first "Kars National Islamic Council" assembled.

1 December 1918

Trakya-Pasaeli the Defence Committee of the Ottoman's was founded.

3 December 1918

Defence of Rights Association was founded in Urfa.

4 December 1918

Eastern Provinces the Defence of Rights National Association was founded in Istanbul.

6 December 1918

Kilis was occupied by the British.

7 December 1918

Antakya was occupied by the French.

10 December 1918

Istikbal (The Future) newspaper, which supported the National Struggle, started its publication life in Trabzon.

11 December 1918

Dörtyol was occupied by a French-Armenian battalion.

17 December 1918

Tarsus, Ceyhan and Adana towns were occupied by the French.

19 December 1918

Small towns of Bahce, Islahiye, Hassa, Mamure and Osmaniye were occupied by the French.

19 December 1918

The first resistance against the occupying forces began in Dörtyol.

21 December 1918

Committee of Cilicians was founded in Istanbul.

21 December 1918

Parliament was dissolved by the Sultan.

24 December 1918

Batum was occupied by the British.

24 December 1918

The first Greek warship was seen off Izmir shores.

26 December 1918

2 Army units vacated Adana up to Pozanti.

27 December 1918

Pozanti was occupied.


2 January 1919 Lord Curzon's memorandum, in the manner of "The Turks in the Eastern Thrace and the Greeks in the Western Anatolia should be exchanged" was publicised.
7 January 1919 The British asked the towns of Kars, Ardahan and Batum to be evacuated.
10 January 1919 Turkish units handed over Medina.
12 January 1919 The British entered Kars and settled in certain locations.
13 January 1919 The second Tevfik (Okday) Pasha government was formed in Istanbul. (Resigned at 3 March. His first cabinet was formed on 11th November 1918.)
14 January 1919 Hadimköy-Kuleliburgaz railway stations were occupied by the Greeks. (Later on, Eastern Railways Directorate office was occupied by the French.)
15 January 1919 Haydarpasa Railway Station was occupied by the British.
17 January 1919 The second "Kars National Islamic Council" was assembled.
18 January 1919 the Peace Conference assembled at Versailles, Paris.
22 January 1919 Turkish forces evacuated Batum.
22 January 1919 A British unit entered Konya.
22 January 1919 Freedom and Entente Party began to work again.
26 January 1919 Nurettin Pasha commenced his duty as the governor of Izmir.
30 January 1919 Committee of Union and Progress party's 27 members were sent to the Military Court.
2 February 1919 During the Peace Conference, the Prime Minister Venizelos demanded Aegean Islands, Thrace and Western Anatolia to be handed over to Greece.
5 February 1919 After the declaration of constitutional monarchy, the censorship, which was abolished on 24 July 1908, had become in force again in Istanbul.(Abolished again on 4 October 1922)
7 February 1919 The British Field Marshal Allenby arrived in Istanbul.
8 February 1919 The Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Armies General Franchet D'Esperey, who had arrived to Istanbul by ship on 23 November 1918 entered Istanbul with a pompous ceremony
9 February 1919 Field Marshal Allenby gave a warning to Istanbul Government.
12 February 1919 The Defence of Rights National Association of Trabzon was founded.
14 February 1919 Nurettin Pasha was appointed to 17 Armed Corps Command.
19 February 1919 The Rise of Islam Committee" was founded in Istanbul.
19 February 1919 "The Defence of Rights National Association of the Black Sea Turk's was founded.
22 February 1919 Maras was occupied by the British.
1 March 1919 During the Paris Peace Conference the British and the French delegations proposed land to be given to Greece in Anatolia.
4 March 1919 Damat Ferid Pasha's cabinet had taken over the government of Tevfik (Okday) Pasha which was resigned a day earlier.
6 March 1919 The Greeks of Istanbul behaved rowdily and carried out some assaults.
7 March 1919 Kozan was occupied by the French.
8 March 1919 Zonguldak and Eregli was occupied by the French. (Liberated between 20 and 21 June 1921)
13 March 1919 Kazim Karabekir Pasha was appointed to the Command of 15 Army Corps in Erzurum. (Arrived in Erzurum on 3 of May.)
14 March 1919 The British Prime Minister Lloyd George, The French Prime Minister Clemenceau, the Italian Prime Minister Orlando and the President Wilson of the United States of America accepted the landing plan of the Greek's in Paris.
15 March 1919 Albanian Help Committee founded in Istanbul.
19 March 1919 A delegation from Izmir was admitted to see the Sultan.
19 March 1919 The Defence of Rights Congress of Izmir assembled
19 March 1919 Mustafa Kemal sent a letter to Erzurum explaining how to be organized.
24 March 1919 Urfa was occupied by the British.
28 March 1919 Antalya was occupied by the Italians.
30 March 1919 Merzifon was occupied by the British.
30 March 1919 Damat Ferid Pasha gave a project to Admiral Calthorpe in order to obtain the protection of Britain.
10 April 1919 The Kaimakam ( provincial district governor) of Bogazlayan was executed.
13 April 1919 Kars was occupied by the British.
16 April 1919 Afyonkarahisar was occupied by the French.
20 April 1919 The Georgian units entered Ardahan.
24 April 1919 The Italian troops entered Konya.
30 April 1919 Mustafa Kemal was appointed as the Inspector-General of the 9 Army.
5 May 1919 Mustafa Kemal's order of appointment to Samsun was published in Takvim-i Vekâyi. (The government gazette of its time.)
5-6 May 1919 During the Peace Conference in Paris, The Prime Minister of Britain Lloyd George asked Greece to land in Izmir.
10 May 1919 The occupation of Izmir was decided on by the Entente States in Paris.
11 May 1919 Ali Bati revolt began.
14 May 1919 Admiral Calthorpe gave a diplomatic note for the occupation of Izmir.
14 May 1919 Cevat Pasha was assigned as the Chief of the General Staff.
14 May 1919 The fortifications in the small towns and villages of Foca, Karaburun, Urla and Yenikale were occupied by the British, the French and the Greeks.
14-15 May 1919 The patriots of Izmir gathered at night in the Jewish cemetery and accepted the "refusal of annex" principle. Newly founded "The National Committee of the Refusal of Annex" issued an announcement to the people
15 May 1919 Izmir was occupied by the Greeks with the support of the Entente States. The first armed resistance began.
15 May 1919 Four hours and 10 minutes after the occupation of Izmir, in the presidency of the Mufti (The official person in charge of Islamic Affairs in a province or district) of Denizli, Ahmed Hulusi Efendi (Mr.) "Denizli National Committee" was founded.
15-16 May 1919 Damat Ferid Pasha Cabinet resigned
16 May 1919 The people of Balikesir decided to protest the occupation and agreed on armed resistance.
16 May 1919 Urla and Seferihisar were occupied by the Greeks
16 May 1919 Mustafa Kemal left Istanbul for Samsun on board of the Bandirma Steamboat as the Inspector-General of 9 Army.
17 May 1919 Rafet Bey (Bele) was appointed to 3 Army Corps Command in Sivas
18 May 1919 University of Istanbul (Dar-ül Fünun) arranged it's first meeting to protest the occupation.
18 May 1919 The people of Balikesir arranged the Alacamescid meeting.
19 May 1919 Mustafa Kemal arrived to Samsun and the Turkish War of Independence commenced.
19 May 1919 Damat Ferid Pasha formed his second Cabinet.
20 May 1919 The British Friendship Society was founded
20 May 1919 Colonel Bekir Sami was appointed to the Command of 17 Army Corps.
20 May 1919 Seydiköy was occupied by the Greeks
21 May 1919 Mustafa Kemal informed his thoughts under a secret cipher to Kazim Karabekir Pasha who was 15 Army Corps Commander in Erzurum.
21 May 1919 Afyonkarahisar which was occupied by the French, on 16 April changed hands to the Italians.
22 May 1919 Mustafa Kemal, on his report to Prime Ministry, stated that "Nation has become one body, accepted the essence of sovereignty and the feelings of Turkishness as a target."
22 May 1919 Kadiköy Mass meeting was held and (Ms.) Halide Edip made a public speech.
23 May 1919 Mass meetings held at Sultanahmet Square in Istanbul and in Sivas.
23 May 1919 Mustafa Kemal Pasha, by sending a telegram, contacted for the first time with the Commander of the 20 Army Corps Ali Fuat Pasha (Cebesoy)
23 May 1919 Mollah Sait informed mayors that "The British Friendship Society" was founded.
25 May 1919 Mustafa Kemal Pasha arrived to Havza.
26 May 1919 Manisa was occupied by the Greeks.
26 May 1919 In Istanbul, the Council of Sultanate decided to accept the British mandate.
27 May1919 Aydin was occupied by the Greeks
28 May 1919 During his stay in Havza, Mustafa Kemal asked from high civilian post officials and military commanders to arrange mass meetings against the occupations.
28 May 1919 Struggle started with the Greeks around Ödemis.(The British arrested 67 people who were involved with politics and exiled them to Malta.)
29 May 1919 In Ayvalik, under the leadership of Ali Bey (Cetinkaya) resistance began against the Greeks.
2 June 1919 Kazim Özalp began his duty at 61 Division.
3 June 1919 In reply to the Ministry of War related to the meetings, Mustafa Kemal Pasha said, "I cannot see any power and strength in anybody to stop the national excitement and demonstrations of the nation".
4 June 1919 Nazilli was occupied by the Greeks.
6 June 1919 General Milne, the Entente Commander-in-Chief gave an ultimatum to the Istanbul Government.
6 June 1919 Damad Ferid and the delegations departed to participate in the Paris Peace Conference
8 June 1919 The Minister of War called back Mustafa Kemal Pasha to Istanbul.
8 June 1919 Rauf Bey (Orbay) arrived to Ankara.
9 June 1919 National Resistance Unit was formed at the Aydin Front.
10 June 1919 The circular of Mustafa Kemal Pasha: "For the sake of our National Independence... I take an oath in the name of holy things I believe and value, that I will work together with the nation until the end."
11 June 1919 Damat Ferid Pasha arrived to Paris to participate in the Paris Peace Conference.
12 June 1919 Mustafa Kemal departed from Havza.
12 June 1919 A volunteered detachment formed in Alasehir fought with the Greek forces.
13 June 1919 Mustafa Kemal received a delegation in Amasya.
16 June 1919 Yörük Ali Efe annihilated a Greek detachment.
17 June 1919 Erzurum Province Congress was assembled.
17 June 1919 In Istanbul, the British High Commissioner Admiral Calthorpe sent a letter to the Ministry of War and asked for Mustafa Kemal to be recalled.
18 June 1919 The Ali Bati revolt was suppressed.
18 June 1919 Mustafa Kemal issued a circular concerning the uniting of Anatolia and Rumelia (the European part of the Ottoman Empire) National Organizations.
18 June 1919 Mustafa Kemal sent his thoughts, under a secret cipher, to Cafer Tayyar (Egilmez), the Commander of the Army Corps in Thrace.
19 June 1919 Ali Fuat Pasha and Rauf Bey arrived to Amasya in order to meet with Mustafa Kemal
21 June 1919 Mustafa Kemal, in a letter sent to well-known people in Istanbul [Abdurrahman Seref, Resit Akif Pasha, Seyit, Ms. Halide Edip (Adivar), KaraVasif, The Minister of Public Works Ferit Pasha, The president of the Peace and well-being Party Ferit Pasha, Cami (Baykut), Ahmet (Riza)]said, "From now on Istanbul must not dominate Anatolia, it must be subject to it."
21 June 1919 Amasya Circular was prepared.
22 June 1919 Mustafa Kemal, in his historic Amasya Circular, announced that, "In order to form national forces within one aim and one organization, it was necessary to convene a Nationalist Congress at Sivas."
22 June 1919 Erzurum Province Congress ended.
23 June 1919 Mustafa Kemal was dismissed from his duties by the Istanbul government.
25 June 1919 Cerkez (Circassian) Ethem's and Demirci (Blacksmith) Mehmet Efe's forces began to struggle with the Greeks.
25 June 1919 Mustafa Kemal Pasha departed from Amasya to Sivas.
26 June 1919 At the end of World War One, the Versailles Peace Treaty was signed between the Imperial Germany and the Entente States.
27 June 1919 Mustafa Kemal arrived to Sivas
28 June 1919 Mustafa Kemal departed from Sivas towards Erzurum
28 June 1919 First Balikesir Congress was assembled.
3 July 1919 Mustafa Kemal arrived to Erzurum in order to join to the Defence of Rights Movement congress of Eastern Provinces
8 July 1919 Mustafa Kemal resigned from his official duties and from the military.
9 July 1919 Minister of War issued a circular stating the dismissal of Mustafa Kemal Pasha's duties.
10 July 1919 Trakya-Pasaeli Congress began.
11 July 1919 Demirci Mehmet Efe joined to the National Resistance lines.
13 July 1919 Refet Bele Bey was removed from his post of 3 Army Corps Commander by the Istanbul government.
18 July 1919 The Entente High Commissioner made a division between Italy and Greece who could not come to an agreement for the occupied zones, and decided that Aydin should be given to the Italians.
20 July 1919 Kazim Karabekir Pasha was appointed to 3 Army Inspectorate (previously 9 Army) as deputy inspector.
20 July 1919 Mustafa Kemal told Mazhar Müfit (Kansu) that a Republic will be founded in the future.
21 July 1919 For the third time Damat Ferid Pasha assembled a government.
23 July 1919 Erzurum Congress was assembled and Mustafa Kemal was selected as the chairman of the congress.
23 July 1919 Erzurum Congress began to work.
26 July 1919 Second Balikesir Congress was assembled.
4 August 1919 The commander of 3 Caucasian Division Lt. Colonel Halit (later on General Karsialan) sent a telegram to Mustafa Kemal stating his devotion to him.
4 August 1919 Ismet Bey (Inönü) was appointed to the Military Council membership.
6 August 1919 First Nazilli Congress was assembled.
7 August 1919 Erzurum Congress ended.
7 August 1919 Mustafa Kemal replied to the telegram of Lt. Colonel Halit.
9 August 1919 First Nazilli Congress finished its studies
9 August 1919 Mustafa Kemal was discharged from the military.
10 August 1919 Halide Edip Adıvar sent a letter to Mustafa Kemal suggesting to turn to United States.
14 August 1919 The first assembly of the Representative Committee realized
16 August 1919 Alasehir Congress began.
24 August 1919 The Defence of Rights Society of Eastern Anatolia was formed.
25 August 1919 Alasehir Congress finalized its studies.
27 August 1919 Erzurum's citizenship was given to Mustafa Kemal
29 August 1919 Mustafa Kemal departed from Erzurum.
2 September 1919 Mustafa Kemal arrived in Sivas.
3 September 1919 The Istanbul government tried to stop the Sivas Congress
4 September 1919 Sivas Congress assembled and Mustafa Kemal was selected as the President of the congress.
7 September 1919 The Society for the Defence of Rights in Anatolia and Rumelia was formed.
8 September 1919 Suggestions of a mandate were accepted in the congress.
9 September 1919 The Representative Committee that received Decision and Application Power by the Sivas Congress appointed Ali Fuat Pasha as the Commander of the Anatolian General National Resistance.
10 September 1919 Saint German Peace Treaty was signed between the Entente States and the Austrian Empire.
11 September 1919 Mustafa Kemal was selected as the President of Standing Committee of the Society for the Defence of Rights in Anatolia and Rumelia.
11 September 1919 The Sivas Congress ended.
12 September 1919 Sultan Vahdeddin certified the Mandate Pact with Great Britain.
13 September 1919 The circular of Mustafa Kemal Pasha concerning the preparation for selecting the members of the Turkish Grand National Assembly was issued
14 September 1919 "The Determination of the Nation" newspaper was published in Sivas.
16 September 1919 Third Balikesir Congress was assembled.
19 September 1919 Second Nazilli Congress was assembled.
20 September 1919 Vahdeddin issued a declaration relating to assist the Istanbul Government.
22 September 1919 Mustafa Kemal talked with General Harbourd.
27 September 1919 Third Bozkir revolt emerged.
27-28 September 1919 The Governor of Konya escaped to Istanbul.
30 September 1919 Damad Ferid Pasha resigned from the Grand Vizierate.
2 October 1919 Ali Riza Pasha Government was formed.
2 October 1919 Mustafa Kemal wrote a letter to Istanbul Municipality and issued his "Declaration of call" to the people of Istanbul, asking them to join in the struggle in Anatolia.
3 October 1919 Mustafa Kemal, in his telegram sent to the new Grand Vizier, stated that if the government complies with the aim of Erzurum and Sivas Congress,the national organizations will assist the government
4 October 1919 First Bozkir revolt was suppressed. On the same date Mustafa Kemal, with a telegram sent to Yahya Kaptan, a militia commander, asked to set up a strong organization in the Izmit region.
7 October 1919 Trakya-Pasaeli Defence Committee of the Ottoman's joined to the Society for the Defence of Rights in Anatolia and Rumelia.
7 October 1919 The International investigation committee, which was founded to investigate the cruelty made by the Greeks, gave their report to the Peace Conference in Paris.
13 October 1919 Mustafa Kemal answered the questions directed to him by the editorial writer Velit (Ebüzziya) of "Tasviri Efkâr" Newspaper.
15 October 1919 Minister of the Navy Salih Pasha departed for Amasya.
16 October 1919 First Edirne Conference began.
16 October 1919 Mustafa Kemal and his friends departed from Sivas towards Amasya.
17 October 1919 In western Thrace the small town of Iskece was occupied by the Greeks.
18 October 1919 Mustafa Kemal and his friends arrived to Amasya.
20 October 1919 Second Bozkir revolt began
20-22 October 1919 In Amasya, Mustafa Kemal met with the Minister of the Navy Salih Pasha who came from Istanbul.Amasya Protocol was signed
23 October 1919 Istanbul was chosen and accepted as the centre by the Greek citizens of the Ottomansfor Pontus Operations (and for East Thrace).
25 October 1919 First Anzavur revolt began.
26 October 1919 Sheik Esref revolt began in Hart, the subdistrict of Bayburt.
27 October 1919 Mustafa Kemal departed for Tokat.
28 October 1919 Mustafa Kemal departed from Tokat towards Sivas.
28 October 1919 The Representative Committee decided to support Ali Riza Pasha Cabinet.
29 October 1919 The French replaced the British Occupation Forces in the Southeast and entered Antep.
31 October 1919 Sütcü Imam incident occurred in Maras.
3 November 1919 A resistance organization under the name of Security Society was founded.
3 November 1919 General Milne notified Minister of War Cemal Pasha to move the national forces at Izmir Front 3 kilometres back
4 November 1919 Second Bozkir revolt was suppressed.
5 November 1919 Anatolian Women Defence of the Country Society was founded.
7 November 1919 Mustafa Kemal was elected Deputy for Erzurum for the Ottoman parliament that was decided to assemble in Istanbul.
16 November 1919 Mustafa Kemal Pasha made some suggestions to certain army corps and division commanders for the organization of national forces in the west and to receive support from the army.
16 November 1919 Mustafa Kemal Pasha presented a suggestion to the Ministry of War on the behalf of the Representative Committee for the arrangement of the forces in Eastern Anatolia at three front.
16 November 1919 Mustafa Necati, Vasif and Esat (Cinar) brothers started to publish a newspaper in Balikesir, called "Izmir'e Dogru-Towards Izmir."
19 November 1919 Fourth Balikesir Congress was assembled.
21 November 1919 Gökcen Efe died for the country.
27 November 1919 Peace treaty was signed in Neuilly between the Entente States and Bulgaria.
27 November 1919 Kara Vasif has departed for Sivas.
28 November 1919 Maras struggle began.
29 November 1919 Defence of Rights Association was founded in Maras
29 November 1919 Security Society was founded in Istanbul.
30 November 1919 The Anzavur forces were destroyed in their first revolt.
4 December 1919 Trabzon and its Environment Non-Centralized Society was founded
8 December 1919 The administration of the movement of Western Anatolia was given to Ali Fuat Pasha.
10 December 1919 The Commander of 3 Army Corps,Colonel Refet (Bele) arrived to Nazilli and took over the command of Aydin National Forces.
13 December 1919 Victorious High Commissariat has not accepted the occupation of İzmir by the Greeks.
18 December 1919 Mustafa Kemal Pasha departed from Sivas.
18 December 1919 Pontus Government was founded in Batum.
23 December 1919 The Italians, after Antalya,moved up to Konya.
27 December 1919 Mustafa Kemal arrived to Ankara together with the members of Representative Committee.
28 December 1919 Mustafa Kemal spoken with the citizens of Ankara and explained the situation.
29 December 1919 National forces formed in Urfa.
29 December 1919 Mustafa Kemal Pasha's circular on the subject of the Deputies to come to Ankara in order to meet with the Representative Committee was issued
29 December 1919 Council of Ministers reached a decision on the subject of that, Mustafa Kemal has not been discarded from the Army, that he has resigned and, that all the orders and medals received should be returned back.


3 January 1920 The Deputies started to meet with Mustafa Kemal.
9 January 1920 Yahya Kaptan of the National Forces was killed at Gebze by the men of the Istanbul Government.
10 January 1920 "Hakimiyet-i Milliye" - The Sovereignty of the People newspaper was founded in Ankara.
11 January 1920 A meeting was held in Konya.
12 January 1920 The last National Assembly opened in Istanbul.
13 January 1920 A large meeting was held at the Sultanahmet Square for Istanbul to remain Turkish.
14 January 1920 Mustafa Kemal sent a congratulation message for the opening of the National Assembly.
15 January 1920 Second Edirne Congress assembled.
20 January 1920 Ismet Bey (Inönü) gone to Ankara.
20 January 1920 The independence struggle began at Maras.
24 January 1920 "Youth Club" was founded in Kastamonu.
26 January 1920 Celalettin Arif Bey was selected for temporary president of Ottoman Parliament.
26-27 January 1920 Köprülü Hamdi Bey crossed to the Rumelia side together with the National Forces in order to raid the Akbas ammunition store which the French were guarding it.
28 January 1920 During the assembly of Ottoman Parliament, the National Pact accepted secretly.
31 January 1920 Resat Hikmet Bey was selected to the presidency of the Ottoman Parliament.
1 February 1920 The French started to burn the shops in Maras and intense street fights began.
3 February 1920 Fevzi Pasha became the Ottoman Government's Minister of War.
6 February 1920 In the last Ottoman Parliament, Prosperity of the Country Group, which were in favour of resisting the Mondros Armistice, was formed.
9 February 1920 National Forces entered to Urfa.
11 February 1920 Mustafa Kemal has spoken with Fevzi Pasha.
12 February 1920 Maras was liberated from the French occupation.
14 February 1920 Yenihan revolt started.
15 February 1920 In London Conference, it was decided to leave Istanbul to the Turks.
16 February 1920 Second Anzavur revolt began.
17 February 1920 The Ottoman Parliament in Istanbul decided that the National Pact was accepted, to be published in the press and made known by all the foreign parliaments.
18 February 1920 The National Pact was issued by Istanbul parliament.
19 February 1920 The Entente States' threatening ultimatum was publicized by the Istanbul Government.
22 February 1920 Mustafa Kemal Pasha, as a response to the Entente States ultimatums, replied to the Istanbul Government.
28 February 1920 Greek 1 Army Corps' headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief was moved from Salonika to Izmir.
3 March 1920 Gölcük plateau and Bozdag was occupied by the Greeks.
3 March 1920 Ali Riza Pasha Cabinet resigned.
4 March 1920 Celalettin Arif Bey was elected as the president of the Ottoman Parliament.
5 March 1920 National Forces' units attacked against the French.
8 March 1920 Salih Hulusi Cabinet was assembled.
10 March 1920 Fifth Balikesir Congress was assembled.
15 March 1920 The British arrested one hundred and fifty Turkish Intellectuals.
16 March 1920 Istanbul was occupied by the Entente States. The parliament was raided; some deputies were arrested and exiled to the Malta island. Mustafa Kemal has lodged a protest with all foreign states and parliaments against the occupation of Istanbul, and in Ankara steps were taken to convene a National Assembly.
17 March 1920 The British withdrawn from Eskisehir and Afyon. (On 24 April the troops landed in Sile.)
18 March 1920 In Balikesir and in Kastamonu meetings organized to protest occupation of Istanbul.
18 March 1920 The Ottoman National Assembly made a closure meeting and ended their activity eternally.
19 March 1920 Mustafa Kemal, with a letter addressed to all the provinces and the Command Posts, asked from them to make elections for the National Assembly to be gathered in Ankara.
26 March 1920 President Wilson of the United States of America gave a diplomatic note for the forming of Great Armenia.
28 March 1920 In Antep, Sahin Bey, which became famous for the resistance put up against the French, died serving for his country.
29 March 1920 Lt. Colonel Rahmi Bey killed by the soldiers committed to Anzavur.
31 March 1920 Lüleburgaz Congress was assembled.
1 April 1920 Thrace Congress was assembled.
1 April 1920 Kizilhisar raid and in city engagements at Antep.
2 April 1920 Salih Hulusi Pasha government resigned because of the pressure put up by the British.
2 April 1920 The first party of members of the Istanbul Parliament arrived to Ankara.
3 April 1920 Ismet Bey (Inönü) joined the National Struggle in Ankara.
4 April 1920 12th Army Corps Commander Fahrettin (Altay) came to Ankara and met with Mustafa Kemal. (He also has joined to Ankara.)
4 April 1920 Gönen was captured by Anzavur Ahmed.
5 April 1920 Damat Ferid Pasha formed his fifth Cabinet.
6 April 1920 Anadolu Ajansi (a press agency) was established in Ankara.
8 April 1920 The French asked for a cease-fire.
8 April 1920 A circular issued by the Representative Committee stating that the Damat Ferid Pasha Cabinet, which was formed right after the resignation of Salih Pasha, will not be recognized.
11 April 1920 The "Fetva" (opinion or decision on a matter of Canon Law) of the Sheik of Islam, Dürrizade Abdullah stating that, "All the national forces are, excluding the Sultan and the Caliph's, infidel and it is incumbent to kill" is published in the government gazette.
11 April 1920 The French were withdrawn from Urfa.
11 April 1920 Damat Ferid issued a notice against the National Forces.
11 April 1920 Parliament was abolished by the Sultan.
12 April 1920 The French occupation ended in Urfa.
13 April 1920 First Düzce revolt began.
15 April 1920 Second Anzavur revolt was suppressed.
17 April 1920 Fevzi Pasha left Istanbul to join to the War of Independence.
18 April 1920 In order to suppress the National Forces, the Istanbul Government formed an army under the name of Disciplinary Forces. (These forces, also named as the Caliphate Army, were abolished on 25 June 1920)
19 April 1920 Beypazari and Nallihan revolts began.
19 April 1920 Anzavur Ahmed escaped to Istanbul.
19-26 April 1920 The Entente States representatives convened in San Remo in order to decide on the principles of the treaty to be signed with Turkey.
21 April 1920 Mustafa Kemal's circular, regarding the opening of the "Turkish Grand National Assembly" on 23 April 1920, was issued.
21 April 1920 Various religious functionaries in Bursa expressed their opinions, from the point of religion, about the legitimacy of the National Struggle.
22 April 1920 The Entente States invited Ottoman Government to Paris Peace Conference.
22 April 1920 24 Division Commander Lt. Colonel Mahmut killed by the rebels while moving from Hendek to Düzce. He died in his service to his country.
23 April 1920 Mustafa Kemal has opened the Turkish Grand National Assembly in Ankara.
24 April 1920 Mustafa Kemal was elected President by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. Mustafa Kemal made his first speech in the Assembly.
24 April 1920 Agnam Resmi-The Sheep tax passed in the Turkish Grand National Assembly as the first law.
25 April 1920 Ismet Bey (Inönü) was appointed as the Chief of the General Staff.
25 April 1920 The Turkish Grand National Assembly elected a "Provisional Executive Committee."
26 April 1920 Mustafa Kemal has asked for war material from the Soviet Government.
27 April 1920 Fevzi Pasha (Field Marshal Cakmak) joined to the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
28 April 1920 Istanbul Government issued a decree stating to form "The Anatolian Extraordinary General Inspectorate" in order to establish the administration of the Sultan's Government in Anatolia. (This organization was abolished on 3 November 1920.)
29 April 1920 Treason to the Country Law was issued.
30 April 1920 Mustafa Kemal sent a circular to the foreign ministries of all foreign states informing that the Turkish Grand National Assembly had come into existence.
2 May 1920 In the Turkish Grand National Assembly, the law for the election of "Executive Ministers of the Turkish Grand National Assembly" was passed.
3 May 1920 The Committee of Executive Ministers, the first Council of Ministers of the Republic, was founded.
5 May 1920 The first Council of Ministers elected by the Turkish Grand National Assembly assembled in the presidency of Mustafa Kemal Pasha.
5 May 1920 A revolt started in Konya.
5 May 1920 The Mufti (Moslem jurist) of Ankara, Rifat (Börekci) and the religious functionaries of Anatolia issued a "fetva" with their 251 signatures, against The "Fetva" of the Sheik of Islam, Dürrizade Abdullah. (This Fetva was published in The Sovereignty of the People newspaper.)
6 May 1920 The resolution number 12, concerning the "Prohibition of the official communication with the Istanbul Government" was issued by the Turkish Grand National Assembly"
9 May 1920 The Grand Edirne Congress was held.
9 May 1920 The Turkish Grand National Assembly issued a circular to the Moslem World.
10 May 1920 The forces, devoted to Anzavur Ahmed, captured Adapazari.
10 May 1920 Mustafa Kemal spoked with Williams, the correspondent of the Chicago Tribune newspaper.
11 May 1920 The draft of the peace treaty determined in San Remo was given to Tevfik (Okday) Pasha, the representative of the Istanbul Government.
11 May 1920 Mustafa Kemal sentenced to death by a Special Tribunal assembled in Istanbul. (The Sultan approved it on 24 May.)
11 May 1920 A delegation, under the presidency of the External Affairs Minister Bekir Sami, departed for Moscow.
13 May 1920 Cafer Tayyar Bey became the commander of the Thracian forces.
15 May 1920 The Disciplinary Forces were defeated by the National Forces.
15 May 1920 First Yozgat revolt began.
19 May 1920 It was decided by the National Assembly that Damat Ferid and his followers will be expelled from the citizenship.
23 May 1920 Cerkez Ethem took back Sapanca and Adapazari from the forces devoted to Anzavur Ahmed.
24 May 1920 The Sultan confirmed the death sentence of Mustafa Kemal.
24 May 1920 The Special Tribunal of Istanbul gave a death sentence to Fevzi (Cakmak) Pasha. (Confirmed on 27 May.)
25 May 1920 Cerkez Ethem forces entered Hendek.
27 May 1920 Bolu was taken back from the rebels.
27 May 1920 Western Trace government was founded.
28 May 1920 Osmaniye was occupied by the French.
30 May 1920 The cease fire agreement signed with the French in Ankara, came into effect. (For a 20-day period.)
30-31 May 1920 "The National Defence Commander" title was given to Cafer Tayyar (Egilmez) by the Edirne Defence of Rights Centre Committee.
1 June 1920 The US Senate refused the Armenian Mandate proposal made by the President Wilson.
2 June 1920 Kozan was liberated from the enemy occupation.
3 June 1920 The Soviet Government gave a reply to Mustafa Kemal's letter.
4 June 1920 Trianon Peace Treaty signed between The Entente States and Hungary.
6 June 1920 The Special Tribunal of Istanbul gave death sentences to Ismet Inönü, Bekir Sami Kunduh, Celalettin Arif, Dr. Riza Nur, Yusuf Kemal Tengirsenk, Hamdullah Suphi Tanriöver, Rifat Börekci and Fahrettin Altay.
6 -7 June 1920 Zile revolt began.
7 June 1920 The law stating that, "any agreement made or to be made, after the date of 16 March 1920 (the day Istanbul was occupied by the Entente States) by the Istanbul Government will be considered invalid," passed from the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
8 June 1920 In the Eastern Region mobilization was declared against the Armenian assault.
8-26 June 1920 In the East, the Milli Tribe revolt began.
13 June 1920 The rebels occupied the small town of Köhne.
14 June 1920 Capanoglu revolt began in Yozgat.
15 June 1920 The commandership of 15 Army Corps was renamed as "the Commandership of the Eastern Front."
15 June 1920 The Sultan approved the death sentence of Ismet Bey.
18 June 1920 The French occupied Zonguldak after ending the 20-day long cease-fire.
20 June 1920 The order of attack was given to the Greek Army.
21 June 1920 Mustafa Kemal spoken with Ali Fuat (Cebesoy) in Eskisehir.
21 -22 June 1920 The conference of Boulogne was assembled.
22 June 1920 The Greeks passed the Milne Line and started their general offensive. In the east the Armenians started their attack.
23 June 1920 Cerkez Ethem entered to Yozgat.
24 June 1920 The Greeks occupied Alasehir.
24 -25 June 1920 The Western Front Command was established. Ali Fuat (Cebesoy) Pasha was appointed as the commander.
25 June 1920 The British landed troops to Mudanya and withdrawn in a short time after.
26 June 1920 As per the decision of the Council of Ministers, the commandership's of Elcezire and Adana have been established.
27 June 1920 The Capanoglu revolt was suppressed.
27 June 1920 Kula incident occurred. (The defeatists dispersed the troops.)
30 June 1920 Balikesir and Edremit regions were occupied by the Greeks.
2 July 1920 The British tried to land troops to Mudanya and the Greeks occupied small towns of Kemalpasa and Gönen.
3 July 1920 The Independence Tribunal gave a death sentence to Damat Ferid Pasha.
3 July 1920 Hacin (It was renamed Saimbeyli) was occupied by the French.
6 July 1920 The British landed troops to Mudanya Region.
8 July 1920 Bursa was occupied by the Greeks.
9 July 1920 An ultimatum was given to Armenia to protest the massacre occurred in the east.
10 July 1920 After the Greek occupation of Bursa on the 8 July, the rostrum of the Turkish Grand National Assembly was covered with black cloth.
10 July 1920 Bilecik was liberated.
12 July 1920 Iznik was occupied by the Greeks.
14 July 1920 Concealed Turkish Communist Party was founded.
18 July 1920 An oath was taken on the National Pact in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
19 July 1920 The delegation, under the presidency of the External Affairs Minister Bekir Sami, arrived to Moscow.
19 July 1920 Second Düzce revolt emerged.
20 July 1920 The Greeks occupied the Tekirdag region together with the forces that arrived from Bandirma.
20-25 July 1920 Eastern Thrace battles began.
22 July 1920 The Sevres treaty was accepted by the Sovereignty Council assembled under the presidency of the Sultan Vahdeddin.
23 July 1920 Babaeski, Lüleburgaz and Hayrabolu were occupied by the Greeks
23-24 July 1920 Colonel Cafer Tayyar (Egilmez) was captured by the Greeks at Havza-Bostanli.
30 July 1920 Damat Ferid pasha, who had resigned a day earlier in Istanbul, was again, the fifth time, assigned to form a government.
1 August 1920 Cerkez Ethem's forces entered to the small town of Demirci.
6 August 1920 Halit Bey, one of the leaders of the Capanoglu revolt was captured.
10 August 1920 The Sevres treaty signed.
14 August 1920 Captain Seref Bey entered Bolu.
17 August 1920 Under the presidency of Bekir Sami, the negotiations between the Turkish delegation and the Soviet delegation began.
18 August 1920 The National Forces entered Antep.
19 August 1920 The ones who had signed the Sèvres treaty and who had voted in favour of it at the Sovereignty Council were declared as traitors by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
24 August 1920 Second Milli Tribe revolt began. (It was suppressed on 8 September 1920.)
29 August 1920 Usak was occupied by the Greeks.
30 August 1920 Adapazari and Düzce Populace who had participated to the revolt were pardoned by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
3 September 1920 Simav was occupied by the Greeks.
3 September 1920 Nizip was occupied.
5 September 1920 "Adequate Majority" law was accepted at the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
5 September 1920 Second Yozgat revolt began. (It was suppressed on 30 December 1920.)
6 September 1920 Rafet Bey became the Minister for Internal Affairs.
7 September 1920 Mustafa Kemal was within the officers who had been degraded. This was published in the "Takvimi Vekay" (the Ottoman government gazette). Mustafa Kemal's rank degraded to Lt. Colonel.
11 September 1920 The Turkish Grand National Assembly decided for the establishment of the Independence Tribunals.
12 September 1920 The Eastern Front units began to their offensive against the Armenians.
13 September 1920 The Populism Programme of Mustafa Kemal submitted to the Turkish Grand National Assembly. (It was read in the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 18 September.)
13 September 1920 Mustafa Kemal met with the Ottoman delegation, Ahmet Izzet and Salih Pashas in the Bilecik Train station.
14 September 1920 The "Prohibition of alcoholic beverages Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. (It was published on 28 February 1921.)
23 September 1920 First Soviet war materials arrived.
24 September 1920 On the Eastern Front the Armenians began their attacks at Bardiz and Kötek.
29 September 1920 Sarikamis was taken back from the Armenians.
1 October 1920 National Forces took back Kagizman.
2 October 1920 Delibas revolt began in Konya.
6 October 1920 National Forces entered Konya.
7 October 1920 "Ceride-i Resmiye-the Government Gazette" was established.
15 October 1920 Saimbeyli was rescued at the Southern Front.
17 October 1920 Damat Ferid Pasha resigned from the Grand Vizierate.
17 October 1920 The Soviet proposals that were against the National Pact principles were refused by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
18 October 1920 The Turkish Communist Party was founded officially.
21 October 1920 The last Ottoman government was formed in Istanbul under the presidency of Tevfik Pasha.
24 October 1920 On the Western Front the Turkish Forces realized the Gediz offensive.
27 October 1920 Inegöl and Yenisehir were occupied by the Greeks.
27 October 1920 The Turkish Grand National Assembly decided not to accept any more deputies from the Istanbul Parliament from that day onwards.
30 October 1920 Kars was taken back from the Armenians.
1 November 1920 Officers Candidate encampment in Ankara gave its first graduates.
2 November 1920 Second party Soviet war materials arrived.
4 November 1920 Alterations were made on the election procedure of the Executive Committee. (Until that time ministers were elected with hidden votes of the assembly members. From then on, the ministers were to be chosen from within the candidates indicated by the president of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.)
6 November 1920 On the Eastern Front the Armenians requested a truce.
7 November 1920 The units of the Eastern Front occupied Gümrü. (Alexandropol)
8 November 1920 The Armenians didn’t accept the peace provisions proposed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
8 November 1920 The decision was made for the appointment of Ali Fuat Pasha to Moscow as the Turkish Ambassador to the Soviet Union.
8 November 1920 It was decided to continue the war with a regular army.
9 November 1920 The Western Front was divided into two parts. (Northern Sector and Southern Sector.) The Northern Sector was given to Ismet Bey (Inönü), who also combined the functions of Commander of the Western Front and of Chief of the General staff. The Southern Sector was given to Refet Bey.(Later on Refet Bey became, as it was renamed, the Commander of the Southern Front.)
11 November 1920 The headquarters of the Eastern Front was moved to Gümrü.
12 November 1920 The Turkish forces entered Igdi after Armenians evacuated it.
15 November 1920 Sheik Sunusi of Libya arrived to Ankara.
15 November 1920 Islahiye was liberated.
18 November 1920 Armistice was signed with Armenia.
18 November 1920 The Turkish Grand National Assembly issued a declaration against imperialism.
20 November 1920 General Papulas was appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of the Greek armies in Turkey.
21 November 1920 Ali Fuat Pasha became the Turkish Ambassador for Moscow.
22 November 1920 The Greek Commander -in- Chief arrived to Izmir.
25 November 1920 "The prevention of unnecessary expenditures in the weddings" law was passed in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
27 November 1920 Disobedience of Cerkez Ethem and his units came to light with a letter written by his brother Tevfik to Western Front Commander and to Mustafa Kemal.
29 November 1920 The "Independence Medal" law was accepted.
1 December 1920 Demirci Mehmet Efe started a revolt.
3 December 1920 The Treaty of Gümrü was signed between Turkey and Armenia, drawing the frontiers.
3 December 1920 Mamure was liberated.
4 December 1920 Meetings held in Eskisehir between Mustafa Kemal, Ismet Inönü and the brother of Cerkez Ethem, the Deputy Cerkez Resit.
5 December 1920 The Bilecik meeting held between Izzet (Furgac), Salih (Hulusi Kezrak), who came from Istanbul, and Mustafa Kemal.
6 December 1920 The ones who had participated in the Bilecik meeting were taken to Ankara.
9 December 1920 The Central Army was established. Nurettin Pasha became its commander.
11 December 1920 A military unit was sent on Demirci Mehmet Efe.
13 December 1920 The Eastern Front Headquarters was moved to Kars.
16 December 1920 Demirci Mehmet Efe was defeated.
19 December 1920 After the plebiscite held on 5 December, Constantine arrived in Athens as the King of the Greeks.
24 December 1920 To straighten up Cerkez Ethem, an Advice Committee was sent to Kütahya.
27 December 1920 Cerkez Ethem revolt began.
29 December 1920 Kütahya was cleared out from the Ethem's forces by the Turkish Grand National Assembly forces.


6 January 1921

The Greeks started to move towards Eskisehir.

6-10 January 1921

The First Battle of Inönü and the victory.

9 January 1921

Bilecik was occupied by the Greeks.

17 January 1921

The Turkish Delegation went to Tbilisi for negotiations.

17 January 1921

The Turkish Grand National Assembly issued a circular concerning the rebel Ethem.

20 January 1921

The first constitution was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

22 January 1921

Units of Cerkez Ethem were defeated completely.

23 January 1921

The ship "Alemdar" sailed from Istanbul to Black Sea to join to the National Struggle. (During this time the ship had fell under the French's hand but on 28 January, it was rescued by the ship's unarmed crew. )

24 January 1921

The rebel Ethem revolt was suppressed.

24 January 1921

Fevzi Pasha was appointed as the president of the Executive Committee.

26 January 1921

The Entente States asked from the Grand Vizier Tevfik Pasha to send a delegation to the London Conference.

28-29 January 1921

After arriving to Turkey, Mustafa Suphi and his friends who were returning to Russia by sea, were caught and killed at sea by the men of Yahya Kahya. (This incident, from time to time, was used against Mustafa Kemal and Kazim Karabekir as negative propaganda.)

29 January 1921

Turkish Delegation moved from Tbilisi to Baku.

31 January 1921

Bekir Sami's committee returned from Moscow to Ankara.

5 February 1921

Ankara decided to send a delegation to London Conference.

6 February 1921

During a talk with the reporter of "The sovereignty of the People" newspaper, Mustafa Kemal said, "Communism is a social subject."

6 February 1921

"The Sovereignty of the People" became a daily newspaper. (For some time it was not published on Sundays, and on the fierce days of the war it started to publish supplementaries, and later on it had become a complete daily newspaper.)

8 February 1921

The Turkish Grand National Assembly accepted the title of "Gazi-the victorious fighter" to be given to the city of Ayintap (now Antep) due to its heroic resistance demonstrated against the enemy.

9 February 1921

Gaziayintap (Now Gaziantep) surrendered to the French after signing an agreement.

10 February 1921

Mustafa Kemal departed for the Front. (Returned back on 15 February.)

17 February 1921

All the Independence Tribunals, except the one in Ankara, were abolished.

21 February 1921

London Conference began.

22 February 1921

Turk-Soviet negotiations started.

23 February 1921

The Government of the Turkish Grand National Assembly gave an ultimatum to Georgia for the evacuation of Ardahan, Artvin and Batum.

25 February 1921

The Red Army entered to Tbilisi.

26 February 1921

Turkish-Soviet negotiations started.

28 February 1921

The first budget was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. (The year 1920 budget was 630.149,58 Turkish Liras. On 11 September 1920, a "Temporary 6 Months' Budget Law" was passed.)

1 March 1921

Treaty of Amity was signed with Afghanistan in Moscow. The Commander of the Western Front Ismet Bey was promoted to General.

2 March 1921

Dr. Adnan Bey became the vice president of the Assembly.

6 March 1921

Kocgir revolt began. (It was suppressed on 17 June 1921.)

7 March 1921

Ahmet Izzet and Salih Pashas were released.

11 March 1921

The Eastern Front forces occupied Batum.

12 March 1921

The London Conference ended.

12 March 1921

The National Anthem, "The March of Independence" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

14 March 1921

The Eastern Front forces occupied Ahiska.

15 March 1921

Talat Pasha was killed in Berlin.

16 March 1921

Treaty of Moscow was signed between the Government of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the Soviet Union.

18 March 1921

After the Georgians attacked the Turkish Nationalist Forces, the Red Army units entered to Batum.

21 March 1921

Due to having connections with the leftist organization called "The Green Army" immunity of Tokat deputy Nazim (Resmor), Afyon deputy Mehmet Sükrü (Koc) and Bursa deputy Servet abolished in a secret session of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

23 March 1921

The Greek assault started at the Bursa and Usak fronts.

25 March 1921

Sapanca was occupied by the Greeks.

26 March 1921

Adapazari was occupied by the Greeks.

28 March 1921

Our Eastern units evacuated Batum, Ahiska and Ahilkelek.

7-8 April 1921

Afyon was taken back from the Greeks.

12 April 1921

To protest the Greek cruelty in Anatolia, Mustafa Kemal issued a declaration for the world humanity.

12 April 1921

Mehmet Emin (Yurdakul) and Yusuf Akcura arrived to Ankara.

13 April 1921

The battle of Dumlupinar started between the Turkish and the Greek forces.

15 April 1921

Ahmet Anzavur was killed in Bandirma area. (The Sultan had given him the title of "pasha.")

18 April 1921

Ismail Fazil Pasha died. (Father of Ali Fuat Cebesoy, the Minister of Public Works.)

22 April 1921

In a statement given to The Sovereignty of the People newspaper Mustafa Kemal said "The freedom and the independence are my character."

23 April 1921

"To accept the 23 April as a national holiday" law was passed from the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

27 April 1921

Izmit was occupied by the Greeks.

28 April 1921

Ziya Gökalp and his 39 friends, who had been released by the British from Malta, arrived in Istanbul.

30 April 1921

The French woman journalist, Geoges Berthe Gaulis arrived in Ankara. (She was seen by Mustafa Kemal. She wrote articles and books in favour of the Republic.)

3 May 1921

The Western Front was united again.

8 May 1921

Bekir Sami Bey resigned from the Minister of External Affairs.

9 May 1921

Cerkez Ethem was sentenced to death.

10 May 1921

In the Turkish Grand National Assembly Mustafa Kemal and his friends formed the "Anatolia and Rumelia Defence of Rights Group" that is known as the "First Group"(The next day Mustafa Kemal was selected as the president of the Group. The second group had consisted of the opposition.)

13 May 1921

The High Commissaries (Pell,Rumbold and Garroni) of the Entente States in Istanbul declared both of the straits as "Demilitarized Zone".

16 May 1921

Yusuf Kemal became the Minister of External Affairs.

19 May 1921

A new cabinet was formed under the presidency of Fevzi Pasha.

24 May 1921

Mustafa Sagir (who had come to Ankara as the representative of India's Moslems, but it had been found out that, in fact he was a spy and his mission was to kill Mustafa Kemal) was executed.

25 May 1921

The Italians had withdrawn from Marmaris.

1 June 1921

The Italians started to withdraw from Antalya Region.

9 June 1921

The representative of France, Franklin Bouillon arrived in Ankara.

12 June 1921

The Greek King Constantine arrived in Izmir.

13 June 1921

Capanoglu Halit Bey was executed in Amasya.

13 June 1921

The Turkish Grand National Assembly appointed Mustafa Kemal as the Commander-in Chief.

17 June 1921

Kocgiri revolt was suppressed.

18-19 June 1921

Paris negotiations started. (The three big states offered Greece to be her mediator.)

21 June 1921

The Greeks were withdrawn from Adapazari.

21 June 1921

The French evacuated Zonguldak.

28 June 1921

The Turkish forces entered to Izmit.

30 June 1921

Child's Welfare Association was established.

5 July 1921

The Greek King Constantine gave the order of attack. The Italians completely withdrew from Antalya.

7 July 1921

The Greek King Constantine went to the Front.

8 July 1921

The battle of Kütahya-Eskisehir started.

10 July 1921

The Greek forces started a general attack.

13 July 1921

The battle of Afyon-Altintas.

15 July 1921

With the order of the Western Front Commander the Turkish Armed forces withdrawn.

16 July 1921

The Education System Congress began in Ankara and Mustafa Kemal made the opening speech.

17 July 1921

Mustafa Kemal Pasha inspected the Front.

18 July 1921

Mustafa Kemal arrived from Ankara to the headquarters of the Western Front in Karacahisar.

24 July 1921

The Western Front headquarters was moved to Polatli.

25 July 1921

The Turkish Army withdrew to the east of the Sakarya river.

26 July 1921

The Greeks decided to attack Ankara.

5 August 1921

The law, granting Mustafa Kemal as the Commander-in-Chief for a three-month period with wide authority, had passed.

7-8 August 1921

Mustafa Kemal Pasha, as per the authority given to him by the law of the Commander-in Chief, issued the National Obligation orders and informed the public for the materials to be given to the Army.

8 August 1921

Ali Fethi (Okyar) returned from Malta to Ankara.

9 August 1921

42 Regiment arrived to Ankara.

12 August 1921

Mustafa Kemal went to Alagöz headquarters.

12 August 1921

Mustafa Kemal and Fevzi (Cakmak) Pasha arrived to the Front's headquarters in Polatlı. (While over there, Mustafa Kemal falls down from the horse and injures himself, than goes to Ankara for medical treatment. After that he had returned back to the front on 17 August 1921.)

14 August 1921

Sivrihisar was occupied by the Greeks.

15 August 1921

The Greek King Constantine ordered to move towards Ankara.

18 August 1921

Halide Edip's request for a duty at the Front was accepted by Mustafa Kemal.

23 August 1921

The Battle of the Sakarya, which will last for 22 days and 22 nights, began.

28 August 1921

Delibas Mehmet was killed.

11 September 1921

The Greek forces started to withdraw.

13 September 1921

The Victory of Sakarya.

14 September 1921

The mobilization was declared. The Group organization was abolished and a new structure formed as an Army Corps.

17 September 1921

The Greek Army started to withdraw towards Eskisehir

18 September 1921

Mustafa Kemal returned to Ankara.

19 September 1921

Mustafa Kemal Pasha was given the title of Gazi-The Victorious Fighter, and he was promoted to Field Marshal.

21 September 1921

The Turkish Army moved to the west of the Sakarya river.

24 September 1921

Franklin Bouillon came to Ankara on the 21 September and started to meet with Gazi Mustafa Kemal.

26 September 1921

The meetings started at Kars between Kazim Karabekir and the representatives of Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and the Soviet Union.

5 October 1921

Ali Ihsan (Sabis), who was returned from Malta, arrived to Ankara.

7 October 1921

First Army, linked to the Western Front, was formed.

13 October 1921

Kars Treaty was signed between the government of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the Caucasus Republics (Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia).

20 October 1921

Ankara Treaty was signed between the Government of The Turkish Grand National Assembly and the government of France.

23 October 1921

An agreement was signed in Istanbul between the representative of Ankara, Hamit Bey and the representative of Britain, Sir H. Rumbold for the exchange of the British prisoners of war and the Turks who were prisoners in Malta. (The released Malta prisoners arrived to Inebolu on 31 October.)

31 October 1921

The law extending the Commander-in-Chief title of Gazi Mustafa Kemal three more months was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

1 November 1921

It was decided by the Turkish Grand National Assembly to present a gift to Pierre Loti who supported the Turkish cause.

12 November 1921

Hamdullah Suphi was resigned from the Minister of Education.

15 November 1921

Rauf Bey who was returned from the exile joined to the Assembly.

21 November 1921

The Turkish Grand National Assembly decided to thank the French journalist G. B. Gaulis.

5 December 1921

Adana entered into the control of the Ankara Government.

7 December 1921

The French started to withdraw from Kilis.

8 December 1921

Fourth Meletios was elected as the Fener (a district) Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church in Istanbul.

11 December 1921

The "Anatolian Society" whose objective was to stop Anatolian movement that was forming in Istanbul, suggested to the Greek High Commissary to form a temporary government on the behalf of the Sultan in the Greek occupied areas.

13 December 1921

The Ukrainian Committee under the presidency of General Frunze arrived to Ankara.

24 December 1921

Osmaniye was liberated from the French occupation.

20 December 1921

The Turkish Flag was hoisted to the Army Corps building.

25 December 1921

Liberation of Gaziantep.

27 December 1921

The French withdrew from Tarsus.


22 May 1922

The San Remo Conference decisions were rejected by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

2 January 1922

A Friendship Pact was signed between the Ankara Government and the Ukrainian Government.

4 January 1922

Adana was evacuated. (The Turkish Army entered Adana on 5 January.) Mersin and Dörtyol were liberated. (On 1973 the liberation day of Adana had been changed to 20 December.)

10 January 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal gave a long statement to Vakit newspaper referring to his life and to his memoirs.

1 February 1922

It was decided to liberate Mosul.

4 February 1922

The period of the "Commander-in Chief" law was extended for another three months.

16 February 1922

The Central Army was abolished.

19 February 1922

Kazim Karabekir suggested forming a third Assembly consisting of specialists.

1 March 1922

The Turkish Grand National Assembly began its third year.

1 March 1922

Rauf Bey became Vice-President of the Assembly.

4 March 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal left Ankara to inspect the Front.

15 May 1922

Mustafa Kemal visited the Western Front.

22-26 March 1922

Paris Conference. On the 22 of March, the Entente States proposed an armistice to the Turks and the Greeks.

26 March 1922

The allies proposed some changes on the Treaty of Sevres.

30 March 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal, together with Ismet (Inönü) Pasha, returned to Cay from Aksehir.

12 April 1922

After the students' request of changing some of the lecturers who were offending the nationalist feelings, the Istanbul University was temporarily closed.

13 April 1922

The Italians started to evacuate the Söke Region.

14 April 1922

Yusuf Izzet Pasha died.

17 April 1922

Mustafa Kemal returned from the Western Front Headquarters to Ankara.

21 April 1922

Söke was occupied by the Greeks.

25 April 1922

Western Thrace Defence of Rights society was formed.

26 April 1922

The Turkish sailors captured a Greek ship.

6 May 1922

The period of the "Commander-in Chief" law was extended a second time for another three months.

11 May 1922

Hasan Bey became the Minister of Economics (Min. of Finance).

2 June 1922

After his return from Moscow, Ali Fuat Pasha conversed with Mustafa Kemal in Ankara.

3 June 1922

The Turkish Grand National Assembly decided to let the Greek cruelty be known to the world.

4 June 1922

The General Hajianestis was appointed as the Commander-in-Chief of the Greek Armies in Anatolia.

7 June 1922

The warship Averof together with two other Greek ships bombed Samsun.

11 June 1922

The Greek Armies Commander-in-Chief General Hajianetis arrived in Afyon.

14 June 1922

Mustafa Kemal saw his Mother in Adapazari.

17 June 1922

Ismet Pasha asked for Ali Ihsan Pasha to be released from his duties.

18 June 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal met with the French writer Claude Farere in Izmit. (On 21 January 1922, the Turkish Grand National Assembly decided to thank the writer who supported the Turks.)

20 June 1922

Fahrettin Pasha replaced Ali Ihsan Pasha as the Commander in proxy of the 1. Army.

24 June 1922

Mustafa Kemal returned from Adapazari to Ankara, and brought his mother with him.

29 June 1922

Nurettin Pasha was appointed to the command of the 1. Army.

3 July 1922

Ali Ihsan Pasha was sent to Independence Tribunal for adjudication.

8 July 1922

In the Turkish Grand National Assembly, it was decided that the Executive Committee should be elected with secret voting, without the designation of the president of the Assembly as candidates.

13 July 1922

Dr. Adnan Bey became the vice-president of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

14 July 1922

During a feast given in Colonel Mougin's residence, in honour of the French National Holiday, Gazi Mustafa Kemal gave a long speech.

16 July 1922

During the Anatolia and Defence of Rights Group meeting Gazi Mustafa Kemal became the Permanent Chairman and Ali Fuat (Cebesoy) Pasha became the Chairman of the Group. The principles of the National Pact were accepted as the base.

20 July 1922

The Commander-in-Chief authorities of Gazi Mustafa Kemal were extended for an unlimited time.

21 July 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal left Ankara for the Western Front.

23 July 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal arrived in Aksehir.

25 July 1922

The Commander of the General Staff Fevzi Pasha arrived to the Western Front at Aksehir.

27 July 1922

Mustafa Kemal Pasha gave an order to prepare for the attack.

29 July 1922

Some of the lecturers were expelled from the University of Istanbul due to words used by them and their behaviour against the national feelings.

29 July 1922

The Entente States informed Greece by sending her a diplomatic note that they will not allow Greece to occupy Istanbul.

30 July 1922

The final amendments for the offensive plans and the decision of the Commander-in Chief for the date of attack as 26 August 1922.

30 July 1922

In Izmir, the Greek High Commissioner announced the founding of "ionia"State. (The Governments of Istanbul and Ankara, and also the Entente States protested this decision within the month of August.)

31 July 1922

The law that reorganizes the Independence Tribunals was passed from the Assembly.

4 August 1922

Enver Pasha was killed in Turkestan during an action against the Bolsheviks.

6 August 1922

The Western Front Commander Ismet (Inönü) Pasha gave a secret order to the armies for the preparation of attack.

6 August 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal returned to Ankara.

7 August 1922

Fevzi Pasha returned to Ankara.

7 August 1922

The British High Commissioner Sir H. Rumbold spoke with Vahdeddin. The Sultan requested from him for the regions occupied by the Greeks to be given to his government and to assist him for suppressing of the movement in Anatolia.

13 August 1922

The move of the headquarters of the General Staff from Ankara to Western Front.

14 August 1922

Celaleddin Arif Bey resigned from the chairmanship.

16 August 1922

The headquarters of the General Staff began working in Aksehir.

17 August 1922

The Commander-in Chief Mustafa Kemal Pasha departed from Ankara to the Front.

20 August 1922

The Commander-in Chief arrived to Aksehir.

24 August 1922

The headquarters moved from Aksehir to Sühut.

25 August 1922

Mustafa Kemal Pasha informed to Rauf Bey (The Premier) that the armies will start their offensive the next day.

26 August 1922

The Great Offensive began at 05:30 hours with the artillery fire.

26 August 1922

Iznik was liberated.

27 August 1922

Afyon was liberated.

30 August 1922

The pitched battle of the Commander-in-Chief at Dumlupinar won.

31 August 1922

After the evaluation of the latest situation by Mustafa Kemal, Fevzi and Ismet Pashas, the Commander-in-Chief gave the chase order.

1 September 1922

The order of the Commander-in Chief Mustafa Kemal: Armies...! Our first target is the Mediterranean.Forward...!

2 September 1922

The Greek Commander-in-Chief Trikopis was captured near Calköy.

3 September 1922

The name of "Battle of the Commander-in Chief" given to the battle fought on the 30th of August.

3 September 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal arrived from Dumlupinar to Usak.

4 September 1922

The Greeks burned Aksehir. Sögüt and Kula were liberated.

5 September 1922

Bilecik was liberated.

6 September 1922

The black cloth that was covering the rostrum of the Turkish Grand National Assembly after the Greek occupation of Bursa on 8 July 1920 was removed.

6 September 1922

Polyemekalis, who was appointed by Greece as the Commander-in-Chief to the Greek Anatolian armies arrived in Izmir.

7 September 1922

The Entente States appealed to Ankara Government and asked for an armistice. They told Greece to free Anatolia as the conditional clause.

7 September 1922

The government in Greece resigned. Kalogeropoulus formed the new cabinet.

7 September 1922

The liberation of Aydın.

8 September 1922

The liberation of Manisa.

9 September 1922

Izmir was taken back.

10 September 1922

Entry of Mustafa Kemal Pasha to Izmir.

10 September 1922

The liberation of Bursa.

12 September 1922

The Commander-in Chief of the British Mediterranean Fleet Admiral Brock, in a letter addressed to Mustafa Kemal, asked whether or not Ankara is in war with the British. (Gazi Mustafa Kemal, in reply to that letter on 13 September, stated that two countries would be able to establish political relations.)

13 September 1922

The announcement of Gazi Mustafa Kemal to the nation. (While congratulating the nation, he also gave the salutations of the army from Izmir, Bursa and the horizons of the Mediterranean.)

14 September 1922

Mustafa Kemal was given the dignity of the "Fellow Townsmen" of Izmir.

15 September 1922

Ayvalik and some other small towns were liberated from the occupation.

15 September 1922

The British Cabinet, decided to send a notification to Mustafa Kemal for not to attack the neutral zones and to ask for a conference meeting.

17 September 1922

The Turkish units entered Bandirma.

18 September 1922

The Entente States gave a diplomatic note to Ankara Government to comply with the neutrality of the zones in the straits and in Istanbul.

18 September 1922

Erdek and Biga were liberated from the Greek occupation.

19 September 1922

The Commander-in-Chief met with the General Pelle in Izmir.

19 September 1922

The French and the Italians evacuated the Anatolian shore.

20 September 1922

The French and the Italians withdrew from Canakkale.

23 September 1922

The first diplomatic note of the Entente States after the victory.

24 September 1922

Damat Ferid escaped from the country.

24 September 1922

The Turkish forces entered the neutral zone.

27 September 1922

General Harrington informed Gazi Mustafa Kemal that the Greek Naval Fleet was asked to sail out from Istanbul.

27 September 1922

Revolution in Greece. The King Constantine left the throne.

28 September 1922

After the warranty given by Franklin Bouillon, the Turkish armies' movement towards the straights were stopped.

29 September 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal, in reply to the diplomatic note of the Entente States' of 23 September, informed the acceptance of the Mudanya Conference and also informed that Ismet (Inönü) Pasha was appointed as the delegate.

30 September 1922

Ismet Pasha departed for Mudanya as the delegate of the Conference.

1-2 October 1922

Franklin Bouillon held a meeting with the Entente States' extraordinary commissariats.

3-11 October 1922

Mudanya Conference.

4 October 1922

The Turkish Grand National Assembly gave an extensive reply to the Entente States' diplomatic note of 23 September.

5 October 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal accepted the fellow township of Ankara that was offered to him.

5 October 1922

Fethi Bey became the Minister of Internal Affairs.

7 October 1922

Paris resolutions.

9 October 1922

The French and the Italian delegates held a private meeting with Ismet Pasha.

10 October 1922

Ismet Pasha received the authority to sign a treaty.

10 October 1922

Mustafa Kemal Pasha sent a reply message to Franklin Bouillon.

11 October 1922

The Mudanya Armistice was signed.

14 October 1922

The Mudanya Armistice was accepted by the Greek government.

15 October 1922

Mudanya Armistice came into force.

15 October 1922

The Greeks started to evacuate the Eastern Thrace.

16 October 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal departed to Bursa.

19 October 1922

Refet (Bele), who was given the task of taking over the Thrace, arrived in Istanbul.

19 October 1922

The British Premier Lloyd George had fallen from the power. On 23 October Bonar Law formed a new cabinet.

23 October 1922

The take over dates of Eastern Thrace were determined.

26 October 1922

Ismet Pasha became the Minister of External Affairs.

26 October 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal thanked the Faculty of Literature of the Istanbul University who gave him the Honorary Professorship.

27 October 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal gave a speech to the teachers in Bursa.

27 October 1922

Ismet Pasha left the Command of the Western Front.

27 October 1922

Fevzi (Cakmak) Pasha was appointed to the Command of the Western Front. He also kept the duty and the title of the Commander of the General Staff.

28 October 1922

The Entente States asked from the Ankara and Istanbul governments for delegates to be sent for the conference to be held at Lausanne. (On 29 October, the Ankara government informed them that they accepted the proposition.)

30 October 1922

The General Assembly resolution of "The extinction of the Ottoman Empire and the formation of the government of the Turkish Grand National Assembly."

30 October 1922

The last meeting of the Council of Ministers held in Istanbul.(A resolution concerning the military medical students was passed.)

31 October 1922

Eastern Thrace was started to be handed over to the Turkish Gendarmerie and civilian officials. Corlu and Silivri were handed over.

1 November 1922

The Turkish Gendarmerie units started to take new positions in the region of the Dardanelles and in the other areas.

1 November 1922

The sovereignty was abolished.

4 November 1922

In Istanbul, after the resignation of the Tevfik Pasha's cabinet, the last Ottoman government was abolished. Istanbul entered into the authority of the Ankara Government.

4 November 1922

The last issue of the Government Gazette of the Ottoman Government, the "Takvim-i Vekayi" was published.

4 November 1922

Ismet (Inönü) Pasha informed the abolition of the sovereignty to the Entente States.

5 November 1922

Refet (Bele) ordered all the administrations in Istanbul to put an end to all their works. This way, the Istanbul government was ended.

5 November 1922

The Lausanne delegation left Ankara.

6 November 1922

The laws accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly were put into practise in Istanbul and at Thrace.

9 November 1922

The Lausanne delegation left Istanbul.

10 November 1922

Liberation of Kirklareli from the occupation.

10 November 1922

The last salutation ceremony was made for VI. Mehmet Vahdeddin.

11 November 1922

The Turkish delegation arrived to Lausanne.

16 November 1922

The last Sultan Vahdeddin sent a letter to the Occupation Armies Commander-in-Chief Harrington stating that his life was in danger in Istanbul and would like to take shelter in Britain.

17 November 1922

Vahdeddin escaped from Istanbul with the British warship Malaya.

18 November 1922

Vahdeddin was deprived from the caliphate by the Turkish Grand National Assembly, and Abdül Mejid Efendi was selected as Caliph.

20 November 1922

The commencement of the Lausanne Conference.

21 November 1922

The first session of the Lausanne Conference was made.

25 November 1922

Edirne was liberated from the occupation.

26 November 1922

Canakkale was liberated from the occupation.

28 November 1922

The resolution, stating the abolition of the "tugra" (the Sultan's signature or the seal) and the name of the Sultan on the official documents and replacing it with the seal and the signature of the Turkish Grand National Assembly on all the official documents signed on behalf of the nation, was issued.

28 November 1922

In Greece, the cabinet members and the Commander-in-Chief, Hajianestis were sentenced to death due to the cause of the defeat of the Greek Armies.

30 November 1922

In accordance with the Mudanya Armistice, handing over the Eastern Thrace procedures was completed.

2 December 1922

On the proposal given by three deputies for the change of the election law, Gazi Mustafa Kemal spoke in The Turkish Grand National Assembly.

6 December 1922

Dr. Adnan Bey has resigned from the vice-presidency of th Turkish Grand National Assembly.

6 December 1922

Gazi Mustafa Kemal revealed to journalists of the Sovereignty of the People, Advice and to the New day newspapers that he was going to form the People's Party.

13 December 1922

Ali Fuat Pasha has been selected as the vice-president of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

16 December 1922

Dr. Adnan Bey became the Istanbul representative of the government.

22 December 1922

The Commander-in-Chief ordered Army to be ready in the case of the interruption of the Lausanne Conference.


14 January 1923 Mustafa Kemal's mother Zübeyde Hanim died in Izmir and buried in the district of Karsiyaka.
14-20 January 1923 Mustafa Kemal went for a Western Anatolia trip.
27 January 1923 Mustafa Kemal arrived to Izmir.
29 January 1923 Mustafa Kemal Pasha married with Latife Hanim. (Divorced on 5 August 1925.)
30 January 1923 The agreement signed by Turkey and Greece for the return of the civilian prisoners and for the exchange of prisoners of war.
4 February 1923 The breakdown of the Lausanne Conference due to the conflicts on certain important points.
7 February 1923 Mustafa Kemal addressed the people from the Zagnos Pasha Mosque in Balikesir.
16 February 1923 The Lausanne delegation returned back to Istanbul.
17 February 1923 The "Turkish Economics Congress" held in Izmir.
19 February 1923 Mustafa Kemal, together with Ismet Pasha, went to Ankara.
24 February 1923 The General Directorate of Police was abolished and replaced with Istanbul Police Directorate in province organization level, connected to the General Directorate of Security in Ankara.
27 February 1923 Discussions were made in a closed session in the Turkish Grand National Assembly on the subject of Lausanne Conference. (Discussions again were made on 6 March. On 8 March, the peace proposals of the Ankara government were given to the Entente States representatives.)
28 February 1923 Mustafa Kemal was given the dignity of the "Fellow Townsman" of Istanbul.
1 March 1923 Ali Fuat Pasha once more became the vice-president of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
4 March 1923 The Izmir Economics Congress ended.
15 March 1923 Mustafa Kemal visited Adana.
17 March 1923 Mustafa Kemal went from Adana to Mersin and Tarsus.
20 March 1923 Mustafa Kemal addressed to people in Konya.
21 March 1923 Gazi Mustafa Kemal, during his speech in the Konya Red Crescent Women Branch referred to Woman's Rights.
22 March 1923 Mustafa Kemal Visited Mevlana's (The mystic poet Mevlana Jalal-ud-Din Rumi) tomb while he was in Konya.
27 March 1923 The deputy Ali Sükrü Bey was killed by Topal (Crippled) Osman.
31 March 1923 The Entente States once more asked for a delegation to Lausanne.
31 March 1923 The General Amnesty law pardoning the civilian and the military prisoners of war was passed from the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
1 April 1923 Topal Osman was caught in Ankara at the suburb of Seyranbaglari.
1 April 1923 The Turkish Grand National Assembly decided to repeat the election
8 April 1923 Gazi Mustafa Kemal issued the "Nine Principles". (Those principles that carry the characteristics of an election announcement were published on the name of the Society for the National Defence of Rights in Anatolia and Rumelia.)
9 April 1923 "The Chester Project" which gives certain privileges in return for the building the Eastern Anatolia Railway, was approved by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. (But this project never came to life.)
16 April 1923 The first Turkish Grand National Assembly works ended.
21 April 1923 The delegation under the presidency of Ismet Pasha arrived to Lausanne.
23 April 1923 The second phase of the Lausanne Conference began.
30 May 1923 Antakya, Iskenderun and the Environs Defence of Rights Society formed.
26 June 1923 General Harrington visited Abdül Mejid Efendi.
28 June 1923 Gazi Mustafa Kemal, after the receipt of the certificate of Professorship from the Faculty of Literature of the Istanbul University, sent a telegram expressing his gratitude.
10 July 1923 Fener Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church Meletios escaped to Greece.
12 July 1923 Trade agreement was signed with Poland.
19 July 1923 Gazi Mustafa Kemal sent a telegram to Ismet Inönü concerning the topic of the Lausanne Conference.
23 July 1923 Turkey-Poland Friendship Treaty was signed.
24 July 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty was signed.
29 July 1923 The headquarters of the Western Front moved to Ankara.
4 August 1923 Rauf Bey resigned from the Premiership.
5 August 1923 The Office of the General Staff put its Peace, Emplacement and Establishment plans into practice.
6 August 1923 Agreements signed at Lausanne between Turkey and the United States of America on the subject of extradition and other subjects. (The discussions started on 29 June.)
10 August 1923 Ismet Pasha returned from Lausanne.
11 August 1923 The second work period of the Turkish Grand National Assembly started.
13 August 1923 Mustafa Kemal was elected second time for the presidency of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
14 August 1923 Fethi Bey formed a new government.
18 August 1923 Gazi Mustafa Kemal, who was also elected from Izmir, accepted to be the deputy of Ankara.
23 August 1923 The Turkish Grand National Assembly has approved the Lausanne Treaty.
1 September 1923 The Western Front headquarters abolished.
9 September 1923 People's Party formed.
15 September 1923 Karaagac was taken back from the Greeks.
20 September 1923 The post offices of foreign states, as the capitulations were envisaged, were abolished.
21 September 1923 Bozcaada (Island of Bozca) was taken back from the Greeks.
22 September 1923 Island of Imroz was taken back from the Greeks.
25 September 1923 The law Number 347 which reveals the procedures to the people who were left out of the national boundaries and who did not participate to the National Struggle was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
27 September 1923 The Military Academy moved to its building at Harbiye District.
2 October 1923 The last units of the Entente States armies left Istanbul.
4 October 1923 The Anatolian Independent Turkish Orthodox leader Pope Eftim issued his declaration which supported the National Government.
4 October 1923 The censorship abolished in Istanbul.
6 October 1923 The Turkish forces under the command of Sükrü Naili (Gökberk) Pasha entered Istanbul.
6 October 1923 The British departed from Canakkale.
13 October 1923 The law, making the city of Ankara the Capital of the country was passed.
13 October 1923 The law creating the "Ministry of Public works, housing and exchange" was passed from the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
24 October 1923 The law expressing the 1 November, the day that the sovereignty abolished, to be counted as the national holiday was accepted.(On 27 May 1935 it was abolished with the law number 2739, revealing the national holidays.)
27 October 1923 Fethi ((kyar) Bey's cabinet resigned.
29 October 1923 Proclamation of the Turkish Republic. Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha, with a secret vote and unanimously, was elected as the President of the Republic.
30 October 1923 The first cabinet of the Republic was formed by Ismet (Inönü) as the Premier.
31 October 1923 The law abolishing the mobilisation on 1 November 1923 was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. (The mobilization was declared on 13 September 1921.)
1 November 1923 Fethi (Okyar) Bey was elected the president of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
14 November 1923 The law projecting the move of the Supreme Court was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
19 November 1923 Gazi Mustafa Kemal, with a letter to Ismet (Inönü), requested from him to act as proxy to the presidency of the People's Party
20 November 1923 The People's Party gathered the "Anatolia and Rumelia Defence of Rights Society" groups within her organization.
24 November 1923 The heads of the "ismailies" in India, Aga Khan and Emir Ali wrote letters to Ismet (Inönü) Pasha concerning the caliphate.
10 December 1923 The Friendship Pact was signed in Ankara between Turkey and Albania.
15 December 1923 The Friendship Pact was signed in Istanbul between Turkey and Hungary.
26 December 1923 Excluding certain crimes, the general amnesty law was passed from the Turkish Grand National Assembly on the honour of "Victory and Peace".


1 January 1924 Gazi Mustafa Kemal went to Izmir.
2 January 1924 The "Week Day Rest Law" was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. (Until that date there was no obligation for the week day rest.)
2 January 1924 The journalists were acquitted at the Istanbul Independence Tribunal.
28 January 1924 Turkey-Austria Friendship, Trade and residency pacts were signed.
7 February 1924 The law of Binding pensions to the families of volunteers and military personnel who were martyred during the National Struggle was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
13 February 1924 Some of the journalists who were sentenced by the Istanbul Independence Tribunal were pardoned in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
15-22 February 1924 War games held in Izmir. (Within these days it was decided to abolish Caliphate. Gazi Mustafa Kemal and Ismet (Inönü) discussed on this subject.)
29 February 1924 The last "Friday Salutation Ceremony" held in Istanbul for the Caliph Abdül Mejid.
1 March 1924 In his Opening ceremony speech in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Gazi Mustafa Kemal stated that the education should be combined and the military should be separated from the politics.
2 March 1924 In the People's Party's group meeting it was talked about the decisions to be made the next day.
3 March 1924 The Caliphate abolished.
3 March 1924 By passing the unification of education law, a unity was achieved in the education.
3 March 1924 The Ministry of Religious Affairs and religious schools was abolished. (The first steps towards a Secular State.)
3 March 1924 The Ministry of the General Staff was abolished. (This way the Office of the General Staff was moved away from the government and the politics.)
5 March 1924 The law of the establishing of the Agriculture and the Trade Ministries was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
8 March 1924 The Turkish Grand National assembly took a decision to give the Medal of Independence to its first term deputies.
13 March 1924 The "Law for the Middle School Teachers (Junior Secondary School)" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
18 March 1924 The "Village Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
30 March 1924 Mehmet Rifat (Börekci) was appointed as the Religious Affaires Director.
1 April 1924 The law stating "The management of the Ergani Copper Mines by the State" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
8 April 1924 A new law was passed for the Abolition of religious courts and replacing them with the Civil Courts.The law became into force at the beginning of May.
13 April 1924 The law for binding pensions to the families of Mithat, Mahmut Sevket, Talat Pashas and to Resit Hikmet Bey and to the families of others for the services given for their country was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
16 April 1924 The Turkish Grand National Assembly with the "Law of the general amnesty" pardoned the people who helped the enemies during the War of Independence.
20 April 1924 The new Constitution was accepted.
21 April 1924 The self management of the University of Istanbul was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
22 April 1924 The law "Purchasing of the Anatolian railways and forming a general directorate for its operations" was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. (With this law the modern Turkish Railway was formed. )
23 April 1924 With the meeting of the general assembly in Ankara, the Turkish Nationalist Clubs were re-established. (The first establishment on 25 March 1912. In 1931 they were closed again and People's Houses were established instead. On 1949 they were re-established.)
19 May 1924 The Turkey-Britain negotiations concerning the Turkish-Iraq boundaries started in Istanbul. (It was continued until 5 June, no agreement was reached and the subject was taken to the League of Nations.)
1 June 1924 The cabinet decided to deport the 150 people, who were exempted from the general amnesty declared as per the Lausanne Peace Treaty, because of their operations against the National Struggle.
6 June 1924 With the undertaking of Pope Eftim (Erenerol), the Turkish Orthodox arranged a congress at the church of Panaiya in Istanbul and established the independent Istanbul Turk Orthodox Church. Pope Eftim became the head of the church.
8 August 1924 The Lausanne Treaty came into force.
22 August 1924 The Turkish women's request for appointment to the courts as judges.
25 Agust 1924 Gazi Mustafa Kemal is at the tea party held for the Teachers Association Congress.
26 August 1924 The Is Bank of Turkey was established.
30 August 1924 After a long speech at the ceremony to mark the second anniversary of the Battle of the Commander in Chief at Dumlupınar, Gazi Mustafa Kemal referred to youth, saying : “O! The rising new generation:The future is yours. We established the republic."
30 August 1924 The foundation of the Unknown Soldier Monument was laid down at Dumlupinar.
1 September 1924 The Music Teacher Education school was established in Ankara.
22 September 1924 Gazi Mustafa Kemal, during his address to the teachers of "The Independence Trade School" said, "Knowledge and science are the best guide to everything in the world, to material and to spiritual things, to life, to success. To seek for a guide outside knowledge and science is to show oneself ignorant, blind and misguided."
25 October 1924 Ziya Gökalp died.
26 October 1924 Due to some commanders choosing to join the politics, a crisis occurred.
29 October 1924 The Turkish Grand National Assembly celebrated the anniversary of the republic in its newly constructed second building.
1 November 1924 The Turkish Grand National Assembly started its meetings on November. Before, it was on the 1 of March.
10 November 1924 The People's Party was renamed as People's Republican Party.
17 November 1924 The Progressive Republican Party was formed.
21 November 1924 Ismet (Inönü) Pasha resigned from the premiership. (On 22 November Fethi (Okyar) Bey became Premier. He was on duty until 2 March 1925.)
20 December 1924 The law changing the name of Kirkkilise (Forty Churches) into Kirklareli was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
29 December 1924 The law "Forming the Ministry of Navy" was accepted Turkish Grand National Assembly.


1 January 1925 Gazi Mustafa Kemal departed for Konya.
3 January 1925 Turkey-Latvia Friendship Pact (Warsaw) signed.
11 January 1925 Mustafa Kemal Pasha made a speech in Konya owing to the 4th anniversary of the First Inönü Victory and stated that this victory became a page in our revolutionary history.
11-15 February 1925 Sheik Sait revolt began in the East of the country.
14 February 1925 Halit Pasha, one of the leading commanders of the War Of Independence died. (In a gunfight at the National Assembly building with Ali Çetinkaya)
16 February 1925 Turkish Air Society was established.
17 February 1925 Asar (Crop tax) was abolished.
25 February 1925 The law, stating for religion not to be used as a tool in politics, was accepted.
26 February 1925 The law abolishing "The tobacco monopoly" which was controlled by the French companies, was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
2 March 1925 Fethi (Okyar) Cabinet resigned. Ismet (Inönü) formed the new government on 3 of March. (This incident was connected to the Sheik Sait revolt.)
4 March 1925 The Delivery of Calm (ensuring peace and security, preventing anarchy) law was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
8 March 1925 One of the old ministers of the Ministry of Justice Prof. Seyit died.
9 March 1925 Two more newspapers were closed down on this date after the closure of four newspapers as per the decision of the cabinet on 6 March.
5 April 1925 The law for the establishment of sugar factories was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
17 April 1925 Ankara-Yahsiyan railway was opened and put into service. (And Yahsiyan-Yerköy railway on 20 November.)
19 April 1925 It was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly that 29th October, the day of the declaration of the Republic, will be a national holiday.
19 April 1925 The law of the "Trade, Industry and Mines Bank" was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
22 April 1925 The law of the "Chamber of Trade and Industry" was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
22 April 1925 The law of "Cadastral Survey" was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
5 May 1925 The construction of the Gazi Orman Ciftligi-Gazi Forest Farm began at Ankara.
5 May 1925 Manok Manukyan, who was assigned to kill Gazi Mustafa Kemal by the Armenian Committee in Greece, was executed in Ankara.
3 June 1925 The Progressive Republican Party was closed down by the decision and order of the cabinet.
29 June 1925 Sheik Sait and his 46 men were sentenced to death by Diyarbakir Independence Tribunal.
23 August 1925 Mustafa Kemal's first statue was set up at Sarayburnu, Istanbul.
27 August 1925 Mustafa Kemal arrived to Inebolu Turkish Nationalist Club wearing a modern hat. (During his Kastamonu trip he spoke a lot about the dress reform.)
1 September 1925 The first Turkish Medical Congress was assembled.
2 September 1925 The religious convents were closed down.
2 September 1925 In Sivas the reactionists revolted on closing down the convents and on the subject of "hat" (They were punished by the Independence Tribunal.)
4 September 1925 Turkish women were entered into a beauty contest that was organized in a ball in Istanbul for the first time.
13 September 1925 Gazi Mustafa Kemal pardoned the journalists who were in the hearing in the Elazig Independence Tribunal.
1 October 1925 Bursa textile factory was opened with the speech of Gazi Mustafa Kemal.
11 October 1925 The governments decree number 2626, dated 11th October 1925 concerning the instructions for the wearing of the apparel to wear in the official ceremonies.
14 October 1925 During his speech in the Izmir Teachers school f or males, Gazi Mustafa Kemal stated: "The people who save the states are, only and solely, the teachers."
5 November 1925 The Ankara School of Law opened.
14 November 1925 A plaque was placed in the house in Sisli where Gazi Mustafa Kemal lived during the armistice times.
22 November 1925 A decree was taken in the assembly of the Faculty of Literature for forming a Revolution History Section, and for the founding of a Revolution Museum within the University of Istanbul.
23 November 1925 The Council of State was re-formed.
25 November 1925 The "Hat Law" was issued. (The law abolishes the use of religious headgear of the citizens except for the religious officials who are authorized, approved and appointed by the government.)
30 November 1925 The law that was issued for the closure of convents (and also forbidding the use of some religious titles) came into force.
8 December 1925 The Ministry of Education issued a circular on the tendencies of the "Breakdown the Turkish unity". (Not to use the names Kürd, Laz, Circassian, Kürdistan, Lazistan and to contend on these subjects.)
9 December 1925 The law stating the use of "locally produced textiles" was issued in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
17 December 1925 Between Turkey and United Soviet Socialist Republic the Neutrality, Nonaggression Treaty, and the three protocols connected to this, were signed in Paris. (USSR broke this treaty on 7 November 1945.)
26 December 1925 The law stating the use of international calendar and time was accepted.


30 January 1926

Turkey-Chile Friendship pact was signed.

11 February 1926

Mahmut (Soydan) started publishing the "Milliyet" newspaper in Istanbul. (Not the present day's Milliyet newspaper. On 1935 the name of the newspaper was changed to "Tan". The present day's Milliyet began its publishing life on 3 of May 1950.)

17 February 1926

The acceptance of the Turkish Civil Code. (Granting civil rights to women, prohibition of marriages with multi-women, contemporane the jurisprudence system.)

1 March 1926

The new "Turkish Criminal Code" was accepted.

3 March 1926

"The law of Judges" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

14 March 1926

The memoirs of Gazi Mustafa Kemal started being published in "Hakimiyeti Milliye" newspaper in Ankara and "Milliyet" in Istanbul. After 15 of March the "Cumhuriyet-Republic" started to publish the same.

17 March 1926

The law for "Establishing the Iron Industry" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

22 March 1926

The "Civil Servant" law was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

24 March 1926

The law envisioning the "Petrol Research and Operation in Turkey" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

1 April 1926

With the "Victory Holiday Law" the 30 of August was accepted as a holiday.

10 April 1926

The law stating that "The obligatory use of Turkish Language in the Economical Establishments" was passed in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

22 April 1926

The "Debts Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

23 April 1926

Samsun-Kavak railway opened for service.

7 May 1926

Gazi Mustafa Kemal went for a trip round the country.

13 May 1926

The "Fight with Malaria" law was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

22 May 1926

"The Real Estate and Orphan Bank Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

26 May 1926

The law for the "Civil Servants who had not participated in the National Struggle" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

28 May 1926

"The First Bullet" monument opened in Ödemis.

31 May 1926

"The Settlement Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

2 June 1926

"The General Population Census Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.


17 February 1927 The diplomatic notes were traded between Turkey and the USA for the restart of political relations.
2 March 1927 The law, changing the second clause and extending the "Delivery of Calm Law" (ensuring peace and security, preventing anarchy) for two more years, was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
7 March 1927 The Independence Tribunals were abolished.
10 April 1927 Yerköy-Kayseri railway opened for service.
25 May 1927 Turkey-Mexico friendship pact was signed.
28 May 1927 The law stating "150 people who were listed and mentioned in the Lausanne treaty and to be discarded from the Turkish Citizenship" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
1 June 1927 Railways and Sea Ports Administration was established.
16 June 1927 The law concerning the Reserve Officers was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
18 June 1927 The law concerning the jurisprudence system in trials was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
20 June 1927 The law concerning the establishment of "Agriculture and Veterinary Institutes, Read and Write Schools (for adults)" and "Improvement of Practical Agriculture Education" was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
21 June 1927 The law, protecting the youngsters from harmful publications, was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
27 June 1927 The law concerning the "Establishment of General Inspectorates" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
30 June 1927 Gazi Mustafa Kemal, Ismet Inönü and Kazim Özalp were retired from the military services.
2 August 1927 In the Hague International Court of Justice the trial of Bozkurt-Lotüs began.
27 August 1927 An attempt of malice was planned for Gazi Mustafa Kemal by a group of people lead by Hacı Sami came from the Island of Samos to Anatolia. Haci Sami captured death and his friends were wounded.
12 October 1927 The first US Ambassador for Turkey, Joseph C. Grev gave his letter of credentials to Gazi Mustafa Kemal in Ankara.
15-20 October 1927 Gazi Mustafa Kemal's historical speech in the second congress of the People's Republic Party was given.
19 October 1927 Gazi Mustafa Kemal stated that he will leave all his possessions to the People's Republic Party.
28 October 1927 The first population census was made in Turkey. (The result :13.648.270)
1 November 1927 The third work period of the Turkish Grand National Assembly started. Gazi Mustafa Kemal was selected second time as the President of the Republic.
4 November 1927 Gazi Mustafa Kemal made the openings of his statues in front of the Ethnographical museum and in Yenisehir.
4 November 1927 The King of Afghanistan, Amanullah Khan visited Gazi Mustafa Kemal in Ankara.
6 November 1927 Opening of the Bünyan Textile factory.
25 December 1927 The first woman lawyer Süreyya Agaoglu began her duty.



The Amsterdam Olympic Games began. (The first time Turkey received the fourth place in the Olympics by Tayyar Yalaz.)

8 January 1928

The Minister of Justice Mahmut Esat (Bozkurt) spoke about the Latin alphabet in Ankara Turkish Nationalist Club

16 January 1928

The Turkish Grand National Assembly accepted the combining of the Trade and the Agriculture Ministries as the Ministry of Economics.

29 January 1928

The Bursa American College for girls closed down by the decision of the cabinet because of the religious propaganda made to the students.

31 January 1928

The Turkish Education Society was formed.

3 February 1928

The Friday sermon and prayer began to be read in Turkish in Istanbul.

10 April 1928

The articles concerning the religion in the constitution were removed.

16 April 1928

The first Council of State decision was taken. The former Minister of Navy Ihsan (Topcu) and Dr. Fikret were sentenced by the Council.

19 May 1928

The law for establishing "The School of Engineering" accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

20 May 1928

Gazi Mustafa Kemal declared his speech about the Turkish Alphabet at Sarayburnu.

20 May 1928

The King of Afghanistan Amanullah Khan and the Queen accepted by Gazi Mustafa Kemal in Istanbul.

22 May 1928

Turkey-Afghanistan Friendship and Cooperation pact was signed.

23 May 1928

The "Revenue Stamp Tax" law was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

24 May 1928

The Indian origin modern numerical figures were accepted.

28 May 1928

The laws, opening of People's Schools and the Turkish Citizenship were accepted.

4 June 1928

Gazi Mustafa Kemal arrived in Istanbul.

13 June 1928

An agreement was made with the concerned in Paris for the General foreign debts.

8 August 1928

Hakki Sinasi opened the Taksim Monument in Istanbul.

11 August 1928

The new alphabet lessons were given at Dolmabahce.

25 August 1928

During the gathering of the Fourth Teachers Association Congress, teachers took an oath for teaching the new Turkish alphabet.

2 September 1928

Kütahya-Tavsanli railway opened for service.

21 September 1928

Gazi Mustafa Kemal, with a letter sent to the Prime Ministry, asked for the use of the new Turkish alphabet.

29 September 1928

The Turkish alphabet was published.

1 November 1928

The acceptance of the new Turkish alphabet (the Latin letters)

31 December 1928

The agreement for the purchases of the Anatolian and Mersin-Tarsus-Adana railways, and the port of Hardarpasa were approved by a law in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.


1 January 1929 The Public Schools opened.
4 January 1929 Turkey-Uruguay Friendship Pact was signed.
17 February 1929 Ismet (Inönü) Pasha made a pure Turkish speech in the Scientific Technical Terms Committee.
4 March 1929 The "Delivery of Calm" (ensuring peace and security, preventing anarchy) law was abolished.
9 April 1929 The criminal Trials Fundamentals law was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
24 April 1929 The debt and bankruptcy law was accepted.
13 May 1929 The "Trade Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
1 June 1929 The Turkish Alphabet began to be used in government correspondence.
10 June 1929 The law concerning the "Construction of Roads and Bridges" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
5 August 1929 Gazi Mustafa Kemal departed from Ankara for his trip to Istanbul by train.
30 August 1929 The Unknown Soldier Monument was opened in Dumlupinar.
1 September 1929 The Arabic and Persian language courses were abolished from the schools.
2 September 1929 For the first time a Beauty Contest was held in Turkey. (Ms. Feriha Tevfik was the first Beauty Queen.)
9 September 1929 Fevzi Pasa-Gölbasi railway opened for service.
29 November 1929 Gazi Mustafa Kemal Statue was opened in Tekirdag.
30 November 1929 Gazi Mustafa Kemal met with the German historian Emil Ludwig.


30 January 1930

The National Economy and Research Society was formed.

1 February 1930

Kayseri-Sarkisla railway opened for service.(Ankara-Kayseri-Sivas railway was opened by Ismet (Inönü) in Sivas.)

1 February 1930

The law concerning the "General Directorate of the Statistics and its duties and authorities" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly. (In 1962 it was renamed as "The Government Statistics Institute".)

20 February 1930

"The protection of the value of the Turkish Currency" law was accepted.

31 March 1930

Ms. Afet (Inan) was the first woman member enrolled to the Party.

3 April 1930

The "Municipality Law" recognizing the Turkish women to select and to be selected, was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

24 April 1930

"The General hygiene law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

29 April 1930

The first woman judges, Nezahet (Güreli) and Ms. Beyhan, were appointed to the Court of First Instance.

22 May 1930

A gold new Turkish alphabet plaque was presented to Gazi Mustafa Kemal by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. (This plaque is, at present, exhibited in the Anitkabir mausoleum.)

22 May 1930

The Military Criminal Code law was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

9 June 1930

The Tobacco Monopoly Law was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

11 June 1930

The Turkish Republic Central Bank Law was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

20 June 1930

The reactionary movement began at the Ziylan sub district by the drive of the bandits who crossed over from the Iranian border. (The Eastern Revolt of 1930)

18 July 1930

The Ethnographical Museum was opened to public in Ankara.

12 August 1930

Free Republic Party was formed. (Its leader, Fethi (Okyar) after the infiltration of reactionists into the party, it abolished itself on 17 November.)

17 September 1930

Turkey-Lithuania Friendship Pact was signed in Moscow.

29 September 1930

The Public Republic Party was formed in Adana. (It was not permitted to form the "Turkish Republic Workers and Farmers Party" in Edirne.)

27 October 1930

The Greek Prime Minister Venizelos visited Gazi Mustafa Kemal in Ankara.

17 November 1930

The Free Republic Party abolished itself.

23 December 1930

A revolt began against the revolutions. The Reserve Officer-Teacher Kubilay was killed.


15 March 1931

Gölbasi-Malatya railway opened for service.

16 March 1931

The first woman surgeon Dr. Suat received her speciality at the Haseki Nisa hospital after passing her tests.

23 March 1931

The law changing the "The Primary Education Law" dated 23 September 1911, concerning the Turkish Citizen Children's education in the Turkish Primary Schools, was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

26 March 1931

The "Measurements Law" was accepted.

10 April 1931

The extraordinary assembly of the Turkish Nationalist Clubs began. The abolishing of the Turkish Nationalist Clubs was accepted. (Re-formed in 1949)

12 April 1931

With the directive of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the Turkish History Investigation Society was formed. (The Turkish History Institution of the present time.)

20 April 1931

In the election notice signed by the general president of the People' Republic Party Gazi Mustafa Kemal, the principle of "Peace at home, peace in the world" appeared.

4 May 1931

The King of Irak Emir Faisal visited Mustafa Kemal in Ankara.

4 May 1931

At the extraordinary meeting of the 6th term of the Turkish Grand National Assembly Gazi Mustafa Kemal for the third time was elected as the President of the Republic.

10-18 May 1931

The People's Republic Party's third grand general assembly gathered.

1 June 1931

Mudanya-Bursa railway was purchased by the government.

19 July 1931

Mustafa Kemal Pasha presided over the gathering of the Turkish History Institution in Ankara.

25 July 1931

The Press Law was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

26 October 1931

Gazi Mustafa Kemal, at the Council of the Balkan Entente (last day of the Second Balkan Conference) said to the delegates: "It is in human, it is regrettable to the highest degree, to throw men at each other's throats allegedly for the happiness of humanity."

29 December 1931

The law for forming "The Customs and Monopoly Ministry" was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

29 December 1931

“The law for the constitution of the Ministry of Agriculture” was accepted in the National Assembly.


1932 The Police Organization Law was accepted.
15 January 1932 The statue of Gazi Mustafa Kemal was opened in Samsun.
17 January 1932 One of the Independence War commanders, Dervis Pasha died.
22 January 1932 At the Yerebatan Mosque in Istanbul, the first time Holy Koran was read in Turkish by the Hafiz (The person who reads The Koran from his memory) Yasar (Okur).
28 January 1932 The Balkan Conference began in Istanbul. (Closed on 31 January.)
30 January 1932 Gazi Mustafa Kemal arrived in Istanbul.
1 February 1932 Malatya-Firat railway opened for service.
19 February 1932 The People's Houses were formed.
1 May 1932 National Industry Exhibition was opened in Ankara.
22 May 1932 The Criminal Court of Adana had given death sentences to 34 of the people who had participated in the revolt in the area of Agri (Ararat) Mountain.
12 June 1932 Gazi Mustafa Kemal received Emir Faisal, the general governor of Hedjaz (The region between Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.)
2 July 1932 The first Turkish History Conference was assembled in the Ankara People's House.
12 July 1932 With the directive of Mustafa Kemal Pasha, the Turkish Language Investigation Society was established. (The Turkish Language Institution of the present.)
12 July 1932 The King of Yugoslavia Alexandre visited Gazi Mustafa Kemal in Istanbul.
18 July 1932 With the writing, No. Special-636, sent to the office of the Istanbul Mufti by the Directorate of Religious Affairs, information given that the call to prayer and the prayer will be read in Turkish. (On 16 June 1950, the Democrat Party Government, by changing the related article in the law again allowed the prayer to be read in Arabic.)
18 July 1932 Turkey became a member of the League of Nations.
27 July 1932 The statue of Gazi Mustafa Kemal was opened in Izmir with a speech made by Ismet (Inönü).
30 July 1932 Due to lack of money, Turkey was not able to attend the Olympic games held in the USA.
31 July 1932 The Beauty Queen of Turkey Keriman Halis (the surname given by Gazi Mustafa Kemal: Ece-The Queen) became the World Beauty Queen at the event which was held in Belgium.
27 September 1932 Gazi Mustafa Kemal met with General MacArthur.
13 November 1932 Dr. Müfide Kazim became the first woman Government Physician.
3 December 1932 The first director of the Turkish Language Institution Samih Rifat died.
12 December 1932 Adile Ayda became the first woman civil servant of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


15 January 1933

Gazi Mustafa Kemal left Ankara for Eskisehir.

16 January 1933

The Independence War period minister for foreign Affairs Bekir Sami died.

3 February 1933

The first trial of an air journey was made between Istanbul and Ankara.

7 February 1933

The prayers in Istanbul mosques began to be read in Turkish.

25 February 1933

University students in Istanbul.

15 April 1933

Samsun-Carsamba railway opened for service.

20 April 1933

The Istanbul university youth made a show by putting flowers in the Bulgarian cemetery in reply to the Bulgarians who were wrecking the Turkish cemetery.

22 April 1933

An agreement was signed in Paris between the Turkish Republic and the creditors for determining the debts and payment conditions.

31 May 1933

The law abolishing the Istanbul Darülfünun (University of its time) and to form a new university was accepted by the Ministry of Education (The University of Istanbul opened on 1 August.)

3 June 1933

The law for establishing Sümerbank was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

8 June 1933

The law for establishing the Halk Bank was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

10 June 1933

The Ankara Higher Education Agriculture Institute law was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. (It Opened on 30 October 1933. The institute tied to the Ankara University as an Agriculture and Veterinary faculty with the supplementary Universities law dated to 30 June 1948.

11 June 1933

The law for the "Celebration of the 10th anniversary of the declaration of the Republic" was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

11 June 1933

"Municipalities Bank Law" was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

12 June 1933

The law concerning the purchase of the Izmir Pier Company was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly. (The agreement was signed on 3 October 1932.)

12 June 1933

"The law about the exception of His Excellency Gazi Mustafa Kemal’s savings that are in conformity with the 452th clause of the Civil Law refering to the edict about protected shares" was passed in the National Assembly.

20 June 1933

The Ministry of Education took a decision to establish a "Revolution Institute" in the university.

27 July 1933

Gazi Mustafa Kemal met with the former King Amanullah of Afghanistan in Dolmabahce Palace.

14 September 1933

Turkey-Greece pact was signed in Ankara.

26 September 1933

Gazi Mustafa Kemal received Venizelos in Dolmabahce Palace.

4 October 1933

The first Revolution class was given by the Minister of Education, Yusuf Hikmet (Bayur) in the Turkish Revolution Institute.

4 October 1933

Gazi Mustafa Kemal received King of Yugoslavia, 1 Aleksandr and the Queen in the Dolmabahce Palace.

4 October 1933

On account of the 10th anniversary of the Republic, Gazi Mustafa Kemal said his historical oration.

26 October 1933

The rights were given to Turkish Women to select and to be selected for the Village Council.

26 October 1933

The law for pardoning convicts was accepted by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

29 October 1933

The 10th anniversary of the Republic was celebrated.

4 November 1933

The house in Salonika, where Mustafa Kemal Pasha was born, became a museum.

18 November 1933

The new "Istanbul University" was opened.

1 December 1933

The Turkish Republics' "First Five Year Industry Plan" prepared by the Ministry of Economy was submitted to the office of the Prime Minister.

5 December 1933

Eskisehir Sugar Factory was opened.

27 December 1933

The Turkish Grand National Assembly accepted the law for putting the late Reserve Officer Kubilay's mother on a salary.



The Police Duty and Delegated Power Law was accepted.

1 February 1934

Gazi Mustafa Kemal arrived in Kirsehir.

9 February 1934

The Balkan entente signed was between Turkey, Greece Yugoslavia and Romania.

4 March 1934

Turkish Revolution Institute began its education in the Istanbul University.

6 March 1934

One of the former Ministers of Education Dr. Resit Galip died.

20 March 1934

The Prime Minister Ismet (Inönü) Pasha lectured on Revolution History in Ankara People's House.

4 April 1934

Turkey-China Friendship pact was signed in Ankara.

15 April 1934

One of the commanders of the Independence War Kemalettin Sami Pasha died.

27 April 1934

Menemen-Bandirma-Manisa railway was purchased. (On 27 of May Basmane-Afyon railway was purchased.)

3 May 1934

One of the first aircrafts constructed in Kayseri Aircraft Factory was flown to Ankara.

14 June 1934

The "Housing Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

16 June 1934

Shah Riza Pahlavi of Iran visited Gazi Mustafa Kemal in Ankara.

21 June 1934

Surname law was accepted.

2 July 1934

"Gathering printing, writing and painting law" came into effect.

13 August 1934

Bakirköy cloth factory was opened.

18 August 1934

Second Turkish Language assembly gathered at Dolmabahce Palace.

30 September 1934

A sulfur factory in Keciborlu and a rose oil factory in Isparta were opened.

3 October 1934

The Swedish heir apparent prince Gustav Adolf was received by Gazi Mustafa Kemal in Ankara.

19 October 1934

Turhal sugar factory was opened.

1 November 1934

Guven monument was opened at Kizilay in Ankara.

20 November 1934

Cloth factory was opened in Konya Eregli.

24 November 1934

The law, giving the ATATÜRK surname to Mustafa Kemal Pasha was accepted.

24 November 1934

With the decision of the cabinet, it was accepted to change the Ayasofya (St. Sophia) mosque into a museum.

26 November 1934

The law removing the form of address of nicknames or titles such as "Efendi, Bey and Pasha" was accepted.

3 December 1934

The law forbidding "the religious functionaries to carry religious appearance outside of their place of worship or during their religious services, whichever religion the functionary belongs" was accepted.

5 December 1934

The law giving rights to the Turkish women for selecting deputies or being selected as a deputy was accepted.


1 January 1935

The Istanbul Pier Company was purchased by the government.

2 February 1935

Ayasofya (St. Sophia) museum was opened to the public.

18 February 1935

The regulation informing the application of the "law stating for not wearing certain clothing" was published.

1 March 1935

Atatürk was selected a fourth time for the Presidency of the Republic.

1 March 1935

The Turkish Grand National Assembly began its 5th term works with the participation of its first woman deputy members.

1 March 1935

Atatürk Statue was opened in Kayseri.

9 April 1935

With the governmental decree number 2/2295, new names of the military ranks (the present day ranks) were determined.

18 April 1935

International Women Congress was held at Istanbul.

27 May 1935

The law stating the national holidays and general rest days was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

2 June 1935

The former Minister of Education and the ambassador Vasif Cinar died.

14 June 1935

The law stating the "Duties and the organization of the Directorate of the Religious Affairs" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

14 June 1935

The law for the "establishment of the Mineral Investigation and Research Institute" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

14 June 1935

The "Etibank Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

14 June 1935

The law for establishing the "Electric Works Research Management" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

5 August 1935

Fevzi Pasha-Ergani railway opened for service.

16 September 1935

The Kayseri Clothing Factory was opened.

13 October 1935

The Masonic Lodges in Turkey were closed down by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

21 October 1935

The youth of the Istanbul University executed a protest meeting for the assassination attempt prepared against Atatürk by Cerkez Ethem and his brothers.

23 November 1935

The management of the Istanbul Halic (Golden horn) Company ended its works and the company was passed to the municipality.

29 November 1935

Pasabahce Bottle and Glass Factry was opened.


9 January 1936 Language, History and Geography Faculty was opened by Atatürk.
20 January 1936 During the Industry Congress held in Ankara, the basis of the second Five Year Industry Plan was accepted.
25 January 1936 After the agreement made with the Istanbul Steam Boat Company, the cabotage was passed to the Maritime Management.
6 February 1936 The Turkish Flag started to sway in the Winter Olympic Games in Garmisch Parten-Kirchen for the first time.
21 February 1936 The Izmir Gas Company was opened.
24 March 1936 The Victory Monument was opened in Afyon.
25 March 1936 Afyon-Karakuyu, Bozanönü-Isparta railways opened for service.
9 April 1936 Istanbul Telephone Company was purchased.
6 May 1936 Ankara Government Conservatory was established.
29 May 1936 The Turkish Flag law was accepted.
1 June 1936 The "Banking Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
8 June 1936 As a first important step towards the Social Rights and to the Social Security, "The Labour Law" was accepted.
20 July 1936 The Montreux Convention for the Straits was signed. After this convention, Turkey had regained absolute control over the waterways and the Turkish soldiers entered the nonmilitary zones.
11 August 1936 In the Olympic Games in Berlin, the Turkish Republic got its first gold Olympic medal.
24 August 1936 The third Turkish Language assembly gathered at Dolmabahce Palace.
1 September 1936 Atatürk explained his views of "State Socialism".
4 September 1936 Atatürk donated his farms to the State, and some of his real estate to the Municipality of Ankara.
4-6 September 1936 The king of Great Britain, Edward the 8th, visited Atatürk in Istanbul.
26 October 1936 One of the former commanders of the Independence War, General Sükrü Naili Gökberk died.
1 November 1936 Atatürk explained his views on the "Land Law".
3 November 1936 The Cubuk Dam opened in Ankara.
6 November 1936 The first Paper and Cardboard factory opened in Izmit.
28 November 1936 The contract was signed for purchasing the Eregli Coal Company by the government.
29 November 1936 The Revolution History lessons began in the Law Faculty of Ankara University.
10 December 1936 The Turkish anthracite factory was opened with ceremony in Zonguldak.
27 December 1936 The poet of the National Anthem, Mehmet Akif Ersoy died.


1 January 1937

The Western Railways (Sirkeci-Edirne) were purchased.

27 January 1937

Hatay's independence was accepted at the meeting of the League of the Nations in Geneve.

4 February 1937

The Economy Faculty was opened in the Istanbul University.

5 February 1937

The "Six Arrow" (six principles) went into the Constitution. (After talked over, with the law changing certain articles of the constitution, the six principles were added to the constitution. The amendment which was proposed by the Malatya deputy Ismet Inönü and six of his colleagues changed article two of the constitution as follows: "The State of Turkey is Republican, Nationalist, Populist, State Socialist, Secular and Revolutionist.")

8 February 1937

The "Forest Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

13 February 1937

The house in Salonika, where Atatürk was born, was purchased by the Salonika Municipality and given to the order of Atatürk.

28 February 1937

The General Directorate of Meteorology was established.

3 April 1937

The Foundation laying ceremony of Karabük Iron and Steel factory was held in Karabük.

7 April 1937

Turkey-Egypt Friendship, Residency and Citizenship pact was signed.

15 April 1937

With the Directorate of the Religious Affairs' circular, the provincial governorships were informed for abolishing the "Sala" the Friday noon call for prayer.

23 April 1937

The Atatürk monument was opened at the Reserve Officers School in Istanbul.

4 June 1937

"The Agricultural Bank of the Turkish Republic Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

9 June 1937

The law concerning the opening of a Medical Faculty in Ankara was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

11 June 1937

Atatürk informs the government from Trabzon that he donated all his farms and real estates to the people.

14 June 1937

Hatay's Independence Treaty was approved by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

15 June 1937

The Labour Law went into effect.

17 June 1937

The contract was signed for the purchase of Kadiköy Water Company.

1 July 1937

Fevzi Pasha-Meydaniekbez and Toprakkale-Iskenderun railways were purchased.

8 July 1937

Saadabad Pact (Nonaggression Pact) was signed in the Saadabad Palace in Tehran between Turkey, Iran, Irak and Afghanistan.

12 September 1937

Seyit Rıza and his friend who caused trouble in Tunceli were surrendered.

20 September 1937

The second Turkish History assembly was held in the Dolmabahce Palace.

20 September 1937

Atatürk opened Turkey's first official art gallery in the Dolmabahce palace.

9 October 1937

Nazilli Printed Cloth Fabric factory was opened by Atatürk.

25 October 1937

Inönü withdrew from the premiership. Celal Bayar took over the premiership.

28-30 October 1937

For the last time Atatürk participated in the Republic Holiday ceremonies in Ankara.

27 December 1937

The "Denizbank Law" was accepted in the Turkish Grand National Assembly.


14 January 1938

Saadabad Pact (Nonaggression Pact) that was signed between Turkey, Iran, Irak and Afghanistan was approved by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

22 January 1938

Atatürk went to Derince via Izmit.

24 January 1938

Izmir Telephone enterprise was purchased by the government.

1 February 1938

Gemlik synthetic silk factory was opened with a ceremony where Atatürk was present.

2 February 1938

Bursa Merino wool Factory was opened by Atatürk.

13 March 1938

One of the former commanders of the Independence War (full) General Cevat Cobanli died.

30 March 1938

The Secretary-General of the Presidency published the first official announcement of Atatürk's illness.

11 April 1938

Usküdar and Kadiköy Water Company was purchased.

19 May 1938

For the last time Atatürk watched the 19th of May Youth and Sports Holiday shows and, in spite of his illness, departed for a southern country tour in connection with Hatay Problem.

20-24 May 1938

Atatürk visited the Mersin Region in connection with the Hatay Problem.

21 May 1938

Atatürk watched the Military Parade in Mersin.

23 May 1938

Istanbul Electric Company was purchased.

24 May 1938

Atatürk watched the Military Parade in Adana.

1 June 1938

The Savarona Yatch, purchased by the State, arrived in Istanbul.

16 June 1938

Our woman aviator Sabiha Gökcen went for a Balkan air tour alone.

19 June 1938

The King of Romania, Carol the 2nd visited Atatürk in Istanbul.

20 June 1938

An amendment made to the law number 2739 that states "the national holidays and general rest days" and the day 19th of May was accepted as the "Youth and Sports Holiday" by the Turkish Grand National Assembly.

24 June 1938

The Turkish Grand National Assembly accepted the law concerning the establishment of the Land Products Office.

28 June 1938

The Turkish Grand National Assembly accepted the "Associations Law".

3-4 July 1938

Turkey and France made an agreement to keep an equal amount of troops in Hatay. The troops entered Hatay on 4 July.

5 July 1938

All of the Turkish units arrived at their positions.

24 August 1938

The railway reached to Kemah.

29 August 1938

The Military Court convicted Nazim Hikmet Ran and others.

2 September 1938

Hatay National Assembly opened and Tayfur Sökmen was selected as the State President.

5 September 1938

Atatürk asked for his will to be written. (Opened on the 28 November 1938)

5 September 1938

Daily official announcements began to be published about the illness of Atatürk. On the 17 of October 1938 Atatürk went into a coma first time.

28 October 1938

Ankara radio went on the air.

29 October 1938

The Kuleli Military High School students, while passing in front of the Dolmabahce Palace by boat greeted Atatürk by singing the National Anthem.

29 October 1938

The message of Atatürk to the Turkish Armed Forces on account of the 15th anniversary of the Republic.

1 November 1938

The Premier Celal Bayar made the opening speech of the Turkish Grand National Assembly on behalf of Atatürk.

8 November 1938

The reports confirming the seriousnes of Atatürk's illness again began publishing.

10 November 1938

Atatürk closed his eyes to the materialistic life.

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